2006 Ron Paul 88:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strongest
opposition to this ill-conceived legislation.
Once again, the House of Representatives is
abrogating its Constitutional obligations and
relinquishing its authority to the executive
branch of government.
2006 Ron Paul 88:2
Mr. Speaker, this legislation will fundamentally change our country. It will establish a system
whereby the President of the United
States can determine unilaterally that an individual
is an unlawful enemy combatant and
subject to detention without access to court
appeal. What is most troubling is that nothing
in the bill would prevent a United States citizen
from being named an enemy combatant
by the President and thus possibly subject to
indefinite detention. Congress is making an
enormous mistake in allowing such power to
be concentrated in one person.
2006 Ron Paul 88:3
Additionally, the bill gives the President the exclusive authority to interpret parts of the Geneva
Convention relating to treatment of detainees,
to determine what does and does not
constitute a violation of that Convention. The
Presidents decision on this matter would not
be reviewable by either the legislative or judicial
branch of government. This provision has
implications not only for the current administration,
but especially for any administration,
Republican or Democrat, that may come to
power in the future.
2006 Ron Paul 88:4
This legislation eliminates habeas corpus for alien unlawful enemy combatants detained
under this act. Those thus named by the
President will have no access to the courts to
dispute the determination and detention. We
have already seen numerous examples of individuals
detained by mistake, who were not
involved in terrorism or anti-American activities.
This legislation will deny such individuals
the right to challenge their detention in the
court. Certainly we need to prosecute those
who have committed crimes against the
United States, but we also need to be sure
that those we detain are legitimately suspect.
2006 Ron Paul 88:5
I am also concerned that sections in this bill dealing with protection of U.S. personnel from
prosecution for war crimes and detainee
abuse offenses are retroactively applied to as
far back as 1997.
2006 Ron Paul 88:6
Mr. Speaker, this bill will leave the men and women of our military and intelligence services
much more vulnerable overseas, which is one
reason many career military and intelligence
personnel oppose it. We have agreed to recognize
the Geneva Convention because it is a
very good guarantee that our enemy will do
likewise when U.S. soldiers are captured. It is
in our own interest to adhere to these provisions.
Unilaterally changing the terms of how
we treat those captured in battle will signal to
our enemies that they may do the same. Additionally,
scores of Americans working overseas
as aid workers or missionaries who may
provide humanitarian assistance may well be
vulnerable to being named unlawful combatants
by foreign governments should those
countries adopt the criteria we are adopting
here. Should aid workers assist groups out of
favor or struggling against repressive regimes
overseas, those regimes could well deem our
own citizens unlawful combatants. It is a
dangerous precedent we are setting.
2006 Ron Paul 88:7
Mr. Speaker, we must seek out, detain, try, and punish if found guilty anyone who seeks
to attack the United States. We in Congress
have an obligation to pass legislation that ensures
that process will go forward. What Congress
has done in this bill, though, is to tell the
President you take charge of this, we reject
our Constitutional duties. I urge my colleagues
to reject this ill-conceived piece of