10 December 2008
Mr. BACHUS. At this time I recognize
the gentleman from Texas (Mr.
PAUL) for 2 minutes.
(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to revise and extend his remarks.)
2008 Ron Paul 73:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to this bill. It doesnt make a
whole lot of sense. But I am concerned
that we are narrowed down on a problem
of the car industry, which is a significant
problem, but we are dealing
with $15 billion here. But if you look at
the grand problem we have, it is much,
much bigger, and it seems like we dont
pay much attention to it.
2008 Ron Paul 73:2
The problems that we are facing today and the problems that we have
been trying to solve in these last 6
months were predictable. It had been
building for a good many years. We can
date it back to 1971. We have had a financial
bubble building, so there were
many who predicted that the climax
would be exactly as we are witnessing.
2008 Ron Paul 73:3
But we dont seem to want to go back and find out how financial bubbles
form and why they burst. Instead, we
just carry on doing the same old thing
and never look back. We spend more
money, we run up more debt, we print
more money, and we think that is
going to solve the problem that was
created by spending too much money,
running up debt, printing too much
money. And here we are today, we are
talking about tinkering on the edges
without dealing with the big problem.
2008 Ron Paul 73:4
The Federal Reserve has literally created over $2 trillion here in the last
several months, at least in obligations,
and that is outside the realm of the
Congress. We dont even audit the Federal
Reserve. They create this money,
and when the Fed Chairman comes before
our committee and we ask, well,
where did you dispose of this $2 trillion
that you have created recently, he says
well, it is not your business. That is
not necessary. Under the law, he
doesnt even have to tell us.
2008 Ron Paul 73:5
So this is how out of control our problem is. Sure, there is a lot of debt
in the economy, and once a government
or a corporation gets an excessive
amount of debt, it is never paid for. So,
yes, we can transfer the debt to others.
2008 Ron Paul 73:6
We are dealing with only finding victims. We cannot get rid of the debt,
whether it is our national debt or
whether it is corporate debt, but we
have to put it on somebody else. We
need to look at the cause of these bubbles,
and it has to do with monetary
policy and the Federal Reserve system.
2008 Ron Paul 73:7
Mr. Speaker, no one can deny that Congress bears much culpability for
the current condition of the United
States auto industry, and therefore
Congress should act to help that industry.
We should be repealing costly regulations
we have imposed on domestic
auto manufactures. Congress should
also be considering legislation like
H.R. 7273 and H.R. 7278, which reduces
taxes on American consumers to make
it easier for them to purchase American
2008 Ron Paul 73:8
Unfortunately, instead of repealing regulations and cutting taxes, Congress
is nationalizing the automakers by giving
them access to $14 billion of taxpayer
funds in return for giving the
federal government control over the
management of these firms. Mr. Speaker,
the federal government has neither
the competence nor the constitutional
authority to tell private companies,
such as automakers, how to run their
businesses. Yet, the bailout proposal
forces automobile manufacturers to
submit their business plans for the
of a federal car czar. This czar
will not only have the authority to approve
the automakers restructuring
plan, but will also monitor implementation
of the plans. The czar will also
be able to stop transactions that are
inconsistent with the companies
long-term viability. Of course, the
czar has the sole authority to determine
what transactions are inconsistent
with the companies long-term
2008 Ron Paul 73:9
I would have thought that failed experiments with central planning and
government control of business that
wrought so much harm in the last century
would have taught my colleagues
the folly of making businesses obey
politicians and bureaucrats instead of
heeding the wishes of consumers, employees,
and stockholders.
2008 Ron Paul 73:10
The alternative proposal is less costly to the taxpayer; therefore I will vote
for it if offered as a motion to recommit.
However, I am troubled that the
proposal endorses the notion that the
federal government should play both a
financial and managerial role in restoring
the American automobile industry.
Mr. Speaker, it is a shame that we are
not given a chance to vote for a true
free-market approach; instead we are
asked to choose between two types of
government interference with the market.
2008 Ron Paul 73:11
Providing this $14 billion in loan guarantees will contribute to the already
fragile economy by increasing
the federal debt and thus creating either
increased inflation or increased
taxes. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues
to consider how many businesses
will not be started, jobs will not
be created, and consumer desires will
remain unfulfilled because the resources
to start those business and create
those jobs were taken from the private
sector for the auto bailout. I urge
my colleagues to reject this unconstitutional
bill that will further the
growth of government and damage the
American economy. Instead, Congress
should help the American auto industry,
and all American business, by cutting
taxes and regulations.