10 December 2008
Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, at this
time I am happy to yield 3 minutes to
the former Presidential candidate from
Surfside, Texas (Mr. PAUL).
(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to revise and extend his remarks.)
2008 Ron Paul 72:1
Mr. PAUL. I rise in opposition to the rule and the underlying legislation. It
doesnt take a whole lot to convince
me that we are on the wrong track
with this type of legislation. And at
great risk of being marginalized, I
want to bring up a couple of issues. One
is that if one were to look for guidance
in the Constitution, theres no evidence
that we have the authority to take
funds from one group of Americans and
transfer it to another group who happen
to need something.
2008 Ron Paul 72:2
And the moral argument is its not right to do so. Why should successful
Americans be obligated to take care of
those who have made mistakes?
2008 Ron Paul 72:3
But those two arguments in this Chamber are rather weak arguments,
so I will try to talk a little bit about
economics. I think what were doing
here today and what weve done here
for the last week has been, essentially,
a distraction. Were talking about
transferring funds around, $15 billion
thats been authorized. Its been designated
to do some other interventions
that were unnecessary in the car industry.
And in a way, this legislation
probably could have been done by
unanimous consent, but theres been a
lot of talk and a lot of publicity and a
lot of arguments going back and forth
about the bailout for the car companies;
and it is, of course, very important.
2008 Ron Paul 72:4
But in the scheme of things, you know, whats $15 billion mean anymore,
especially since its been authorized?
2008 Ron Paul 72:5
The big thing is the big bailout, the $8 trillion, the unlimited amount the
Federal Reserve has invested and what
weve been doing for the past 6 months.
We are on the road to nationalization.
In many ways, were in the midst of nationalization
without a whimper.
2008 Ron Paul 72:6
There is no real talk about it. I mean, weve essentially nationalized
the insurance companies, the mortgage
companies, the banks, and medical
care is moving in that direction, and
now the car companies are going to be
run by a car czar from this Congress. I
mean, it is such an embarrassment. It
is such an insult to us who believe in
freedom, who believe in sound money
and who believe in limited government.
It is such an insult to the whole idea of
what made America great, and this is
what it has come to—bailout after bailout
after bailout—and nobody even
calls it what it really is. It is the nationalization
of our industries.
2008 Ron Paul 72:7
You know, in many ways, Harry Truman was a much more honest person.
He said we should nationalize the steel
industry, and he did. Fortunately, we
still had a little bit of common sense in
our courts, and they said Hey, youre
going too far. Thats what were doing
here. Were nationalizing. It happens
always for good purposes, and we are
always going to do good for this group,
or that, but you never ask the question
How much harm have you done to the
other group? and thats what we
ought to be talking about. We ought to
really find out what this is costing.
2008 Ron Paul 72:8
As much as I strongly believe in the free society—and I can defend it from
the economic viewpoints—I also know
where we are and where we ought to go.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The
time of the gentleman has expired.
Mr. DREIER. I yield my friend an additional
30 seconds.
2008 Ron Paul 72:9
Mr. PAUL. I do believe in the transition. That is, if we need a bailout for
the car companies, even though I dont
like the idea, if you could pay for it,
take it out of these hundreds of billions
of dollars running the American empire
around the world. Cut it; bring it home
and spend it here, but running up of
these deficits is going to do us in, and
we are working on the collapse of the
dollar. That is what youd better pay
attention to. So pay attention. This is
a lot more important than this little
$15 billion. To me, it has been a gross
distraction of the great harm weve
done in the past 6 months.