Thursday, May 11, 2006
2006 Ron Paul 34:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Calhoun High School (CHS) of Port
Lavaca, Calhoun County, TX. On January 6–7, 2006 the CHS advanced government class,
taught by Gennie Westbrook, traveled to Austin
to participate in the Texas State final meet
for We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution.
Calhoun High School ranked second
of the seven schools participating in the meet,
which is the highest rank yet achieved by a
CHS class. In 1995, 2002, and 2003, the CHS
class placed third. Students participating in the
state contest were Holly Batchelder, Matthew
Boyett, Ryan Cardona, Kenneth Chang, Karl
Chen, Andrew Delgado, Carlos Galindo, Julio
Herrera, Paul Jenkins, Brian Kao, Dustin
Lambden, Kayla Meyer, Jake Prejean, and
Thomas Reagan.
2006 Ron Paul 34:2
Twenty-two CHS juniors accompanied the group as observers. We the People alumnae
who also accompanied the group to assist as
guest judges for practice times were Jessica
Davenport, John Westbrook, Bobby Van
Borssum, Redford Hong, William Krause, and
Jason Fite.
2006 Ron Paul 34:3
Local community members who helped the class in their weekly practice sessions after
school were Connie Hunt and Assistant District
Attorney Shannon Salyer, who have
worked with each years class for several
years. Others who assisted the class in preparation
this year included District Attorney Dan
Heard, Assistant District Attorney Pat Brown,
and Texas A&M aerospace PhD student
Darren Hartl.
2006 Ron Paul 34:4
We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution is a nationally acclaimed civic education
program focusing on the history and
principles of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of
Rights. In addition to the requirements of the
standard government class, students in this
program must master a rigorous curriculum in
the background and philosophy of the U.S.
Constitution. They participate in oral assessment
that involves both prepared and extemporaneous
responses to challenging questions.
In this nationwide competition, students
play the role of experts in the Constitution,
testifying before a mock Congressional hearing.
Among other criteria, students are evaluated
on their depth of knowledge, ability to
apply academic data to current problems, and
understanding of landmark Supreme Court
cases. Teams of three students each present
a four-minute prepared testimony to answer
questions they have researched all semester,
and then they respond to extemporaneous follow-
up questions from the judges for another
six minutes. Judges at the state contest include
practicing attorneys, university professors,
historians, and legislative staff members.
2006 Ron Paul 34:5
In 2001, the Center for Civic Education conducted a survey of We the People alumnae,
focusing on voting and civic participation.
Among the former students, 82 percent reported
that they voted in the November 2000
election. In addition, 77 percent had voted in
previous elections. By contrast, the National
Election Studies reported 48 percent turnout in
the November 2000 election by other respondents
aged 18–30. Research also indicates that
participation in We the People programs helps
encourage greater interest in politics and public
affairs, increased involvement in government
decision making at all levels, greater willingness
to respect the opinions and rights of
others, and better preparation for the privileges
and responsibilities of democratic citizenship.
More information about the program
may be found at the Center for Civic Education
website, http://www.civiced.org/wethepeople.php.
2006 Ron Paul 34:6
We the People: the Citizen and the Constitution is the Advanced U.S. Government
class available every fall to Calhoun High
School seniors. The first place team from each
state traveled to Washington, D.C. for the National
Final Competition on April 29–May 1,
2006. McAllens Lamar Academy team, taught
by LeAnna Morse, won first place this year in
Texas, and her class often receives Honorable
Mention as one of the top 10 schools at the
national final meet.
2006 Ron Paul 34:7
Mr. Speaker, I want to congratulate teacher Gennie Westbrook, the students of Calhoun
High School and all the others participating in
this important effort.