Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 41/2
minutes to the gentleman from Texas
(Mr. PAUL).
(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to revise and extend his remarks.)
2003 Ron Paul 62:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to express a few concerns that I have regarding
both the commission and the
trend toward a constitutional amendment
that might solve some of the
problems that people anticipate.
2003 Ron Paul 62:2
I certainly agree with the gentleman from Washington (Mr. BAIRD) that this
is a very serious issue; and this is to
me not just a casual appointment of a
commission, but we are dealing with
something that is, in a constitutional
sense, rather profound because we are
talking about amendments that are
suggesting that our governors will appoint
Members of Congress for the first
time in our history. That should be
done with a great deal of caution and
clear understanding of what we are
2003 Ron Paul 62:3
My concern, of course, with the commission is that we are moving rather
rapidly in that direction. Hopefully,
that is not the case. We had the commission
report of the Continuity of
Government Commission yesterday,
and that was released, and then we had
a unanimous consent agreement to
bring this up, like we need to do this in
a hurry.
2003 Ron Paul 62:4
Ordinarily, if we deal with constitutional amendments, quite frequently
we will have a constitutional amendment
proposed, and then we will hold
hearings on that particular amendment.
I think we could handle it that
2003 Ron Paul 62:5
But I have another concern about the urgent need and the assumption that
the world ends if we are not here for a
few days. There are times when we are
not here like in August and a few
months we take off at Christmas. Of
course, we can be recalled, but the
world does not end because were not
here. In a way this need for a constitutional
amendment to appoint congressmen
is assuming that life cannot go on
without us writing laws.
2003 Ron Paul 62:6
I would suggest that maybe the urgency is not quite as much as one
thinks. I want to quote Michael Barone
who was trying to justify a constitutional
amendment that allows governors
to appoint moc in a time of crisis.
He said, think of all the emergency
legislation that Congress passed
in the weeks and months after September
11 authorizing expanded police
powers. None of this could have happened.
But now as we look back at
those emergency conditions, a lot of
questions are being asked about the
PATRIOT Act and the attack on our
fourth amendment and civil liberties. I
suggest there could be a slower approach
no harm will come of it.
Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, will the
gentleman yield?