2002 Ron Paul 44:1
Mr. Speaker, as a parent, grandparent, and OB-GYN who
delivered over three thousand babies, I certainly share the desire to
children from pornography and other inappropriate material available on
internet. However, as a United States Congressman, I cannot support
which exceed the limitations on constitutional power contained in
Article one,
Section 8 of the Constitution. The Constitution does not provide
Congress with
the authority to spend taxpayer funds to create new internet domains.
2002 Ron Paul 44:2
Furthermore, Mr. Speaker, the federal government is
unqualified to act as the arbiter of what material is inappropriate for
children. Instead, this is a decision that should be made by parents.
Most of
the problems pointed to by proponents of increased government control
of the
internet are the result of a lack of parental, not governmental,
control of
children’s computer habits. Expanding the government’s control over the
internet may actually encourage parents to disregard their
responsibility to
monitor their child’s computer habits. After all, why should parents
about what websites their children is viewing when the government has
this parental function?
2002 Ron Paul 44:3
The market is already creating solutions to many of
problems through the development of filtering software that responsible
can use to protect their children from inappropriate materials. The
best way to
address this problem is by allowing this market process to develop, not
creating new government regulations.
2002 Ron Paul 44:4
In addition to creating new internet domains,
Congress is also
expanding federal wiretapping powers. Mr. Speaker, my colleagues should
remember that the Constitution creates only three federal crimes,
treason, piracy, and counterfeiting. Expansion of federal police power
crimes outside these well-defined areas thus violates the Constitution.
addition, expansion of federal wiretapping powers raises serious civil
concerns, as such powers easily can be abused by federal officials.
2002 Ron Paul 44:5
I therefore hope my colleagues will respect the
limitations on federal power. Instead of usurping powers not granted
the federal
government, Congress should allow state and local law enforcement,
local communities, and most of all responsible parents to devise the
measures to protect children.
This chapter appeared in Ron Pauls Congressional website at http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2002/cr052102b.htm