2001 Ron Paul 24:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I
commend to the attention of members an editorial appearing in todays
Wall Street Journal which is headlined Free Trade Doesnt Require
Treaties. The column is authored by Pierre Lemieux, a professor of
economics at the University of Quebec.
2001 Ron Paul 24:2
Professor Lemieux seems to
grasp quite well what few in Congress have come to understand — that is,
The primary rationale for free trade is not that exporters should
gain larger markets, but that consumers should have more choice — even
if the former is a consequence of the latter. Mr. Lemieux went on to
point out that the leaders of the 34 participating states in the recent
Quebec summit are much keener on managed trade than on free trade and
more interested in income redistribution and regulation than in the
rooting out of trade restrictions.
2001 Ron Paul 24:3
The professors comments are
not unlike those of the late economist Murray N. Rothbard, devotee of
the methodologically-superior Austrian school, who, with respect to
NAFTA, had the following to say:
2001 Ron Paul 24:4
[G]enuine free trade doesnt require a treaty
(or its
deformed cousin, a `trade agreement; NAFTA is called an agreement so
it can avoid the constitutional requirement of approval by two-thirds
of the Senate). If the establishment truly wants free trade, all it has
to do is to repeal our numerous tariffs, import quotas, anti-dumping
laws, and other American-imposed restrictions of free trade. No foreign
policy or foreign maneuvering in necessary.
2001 Ron Paul 24:5
In truth, the bipartisan
establishments fanfare of free trade (and the impending request
for fast track authority) fosters the opposite of genuine freedom of
exchange. Whereas genuine free traders examine free markets from the
perspective of the consumer (each individual), the mercantilist
examines trade from the perspective of the power elite; in other words,
from the perspective of the big business in concert with big
government. Genuine free traders consider exports a means of paying for
imports, in the same way that goods in general are produced in order to
be sold to consumers. But the mercantilists want to privilege the
government business elite at the expense of all consumers, be they
domestic or foreign.
2001 Ron Paul 24:6
Mr. Speaker, again I commend
Mr. Lemieuxs column and encourage the recognition that free trade is
but the individuals liberty to exchange across political borders.
2001 Ron Paul 24:9
The decades preceding World War I were a period
of globalization that was at least as extensive as todays. To the
extent that the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) moves
this continent to ward freer trade, it would help recover the lost
promise of the pre-1914 world. But the Quebec summit sent conflicting
messages, none of them revolutionary.
2001 Ron Paul 24:10
The leaders of the 34 participating states
showed that they are much keener on managed trade than on free trade,
and more interested in income redistribution and regulation than in the
rooting out of trade restrictions. The creation of a free trade area
is not an end in itself, said Canadian Prime Minister Jean
2001 Ron Paul 24:11
With excruciating political correctness, he
added: We have focused on a global action plan of co-operation to
reduce poverty, protect the environment, promote the adoption of labor
standards and encourage corporate
responsibility. The participants Plan of
Action contained
measures that range from tobacco regulation and gun control to the
monitoring of financial transactions.
2001 Ron Paul 24:13
What of the no passport world celebrated by
Keynes? In Quebec, as at other international trade meetings, state
representatives behaved as agents of their countrys exporters. You
give us this concession, they intone, and we will allow your
exporters to enter our markets in return. Yet this misrepresents
grossly the nature of trade and a free economy.
2001 Ron Paul 24:14
The primary rationale for free trade is not
exporters should gain larger markets, but that consumers should have
more choice — even if the former is a consequence of the latter. By
presenting themselves as members of an exporters club, trade
negotiators lay themselves open to attack by those who claim that free
trade only works to the benefit of corporations.
2001 Ron Paul 24:15
Economists have known for centuries that free
trade can be promoted without free-trade agreements. A countrys
inhabitants would obtain many of the advantages of free trade if only
their own government would stop imposing restrictions on imports.
Behind the veil of financial transactions, products are ultimately
exchanged against products, so that the more imports that come into a
country, the more will foreign demand grow for its exports. Or else,
foreign exporters will have to invest in the country, thereby creating
a trade deficit; nothing wrong with that either.
2001 Ron Paul 24:16
In other words, if you want free trade, just
trade. Much of the pre-World War I free trade was, indeed, due to
Britains unilateral free-trade policies.
2001 Ron Paul 24:17
Trade agreements are only helpful to the extent
that they help tame domestic producers interests, support the primacy
of consumers, and lock-in the gains from trade. Such treaties should
not aim at reducing competition by pursuing other goals, of the sort
embraced by the heads of state at Quebec. That would amount to no more
than managed trade, the pursuit of which, paradoxically, might be said
to unite both the leaders present and the mobs demonstrating against
2001 Ron Paul 24:18
William Watson, a Canadian economist, has noted
in the Financial Post that the demonstrators who dont trust
governments to negotiate free trade come, contradictorily, from
political constituencies generally known for their blind faith in
government. As for the small group of anarchists, they apparently do
not realize that closed borders, and the prohibition of capitalist acts
between consenting adults, actually increase state power.
2001 Ron Paul 24:19
On one stretch of Saturdays march,
demonstrators wore large bar codes taped to their mouths, as if free
trade meant turning them into speechless numbers. How droll! These
demonstrators were certainly, and perhaps proudly, carrying in their
wallets government-imposed Social Security numbers, drivers licenses
and Medicare cards, which, surely, have made them numbered state
cattle. Another fabulous irony: American would-be demonstrators
complained about being denied entry into Canada, while their entire
message is predicated on tighter borders.
2001 Ron Paul 24:20
Once we realize that free trade is but the
individuals liberty to exchange across political borders, it is easy
to see that forbidding it requires punishment or threats of punishment.
You have to fine or jail the importer who doesnt abide by trade
restrictions. In FTAA debates as in other trade issues, a source of
much confusion is the failure to realize that free trade is a
consequence of individual sovereignty.
This chapter appeared in Ron Pauls Congressional website at http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2001/cr042401.htm