1998 Ron Paul 88:1 Mr. PAUL.
Mr. Chairman, I yield myself
such time as I may consume.
1998 Ron Paul 88:2 The gentleman suggests we should
leave this to the States. I quoted and
cited the constitutional authority for
this. It is explicit. We have the authority
to do this. There are many, many
unfair laws.
1998 Ron Paul 88:3 Dealing with the President, for instance,
the minor candidates, on average,
to get on the ballot, are required
to get 701,000 signatures. A major candidate
gets less than 50,000. To get on
an average Senate seat ballot, 196,000
signatures are required for the Senate,
15,000 for the major candidates. In the
House, on the average for the minor
candidate, it is more than 13,000, where
it is 2,000 for a major candidate.
1998 Ron Paul 88:4 There is something distinctly unfair
about this. This is un-American. We
have the authority to do it. This is the
precise time to do it. We are dealing
with campaign reform, and they are
forcing these minor candidates to
spend unbelievable amounts of money.
They are being excluded. They are 42
percent of the people in this country.
They are the majority, when we divide
the electorate up. They deserve representation,
The CHAIRMAN. All time has expired.
The question is on the amendment
offered by the gentleman from Texas
(Mr. PAUL) to the amendment in the
nature of a substitute No. 13 offered by
The question was taken; and the
Chairman announced that the noes appeared
to have it.