2010 Ron Paul 5:1
Madam Speaker, I oppose H.
Res. 1003, designating January 10, 2010
through January 16, 2010 as National Influenza
Vaccination Week. While I believe the
American people should be made aware of infectious
diseases and common sense preventative
measures, I am concerned that this resolution
continues the hysterical reaction from
government officials to the swine flu outbreak.
2010 Ron Paul 5:2
As a physician, I have yet to see any evidence
that justifies the current level of alarm.
Influenza typically kills around 36,000 people
every year in this country and hospitalizes a
couple hundred thousand. In the almost a year
since swine flu made its first appearance in
the U.S., there have been only a handful of
confirmed deaths attributable to this strain,
and most of those sickened have or will fully
recover. Every death is tragic, but I see no
reason to deal with this flu outbreak any differently
than we typically deal with any other
flu season. Instead, the federal government
has responded with invasive screening at airports,
closing down schools and sporting
events, and causing general panic.
2010 Ron Paul 5:3
There have also been discussions of mandating
that certain populations be forced to receive
the swine flu vaccine. I would remind my
colleagues that during the 1976 outbreak of
swine flu only 1 America died from the flu, but
mandatory vaccinations killed at least 25 before
the program was abandoned.
2010 Ron Paul 5:4
Madam Speaker, the panicked reaction to
swine flu outbreak demonstrates why the Federal
Government should not become involved
in health care. Instead, decisions as to how
best to deal with infectious disease should be
left to local communities, health care providers,
and, most importantly of all, individual
citizens. Patients should always have the right
to make their own decision about whether or
not to receive a vaccine after getting full information
on both the risks and the benefits of
vaccines from their health care provider.