Wednesday, June 30, 2010
2010 Ron Paul 37:1
Madam Speaker, the Advocates
for Self-Government, one of the freedom
movementís leading organizations, is celebrating
their 25th anniversary this year. I am
pleased to take this opportunity to congratulate
the Advocates on this anniversary and
wish them continued success in promoting liberty.
2010 Ron Paul 37:2
The Advocates where founded by my friend,
the late Marshall Fritz. Marshall saw that the
growth of the freedom movement was handicapped
by the lack of an organization to help
activists better communicate the freedom philosophy
to the general public. In order to remedy
this situation, Marshall rallied a group of
activists and donors and founded the Advocates
in order to teach libertarians how to effectively
communicate their principles.
2010 Ron Paul 37:3
Under the leadership of Marshal from 1985
until 1991; Carole Ann Rand from 1991 until
1995; and Sharon Harris since 1995; the Advocates
has helped countless libertarians by
providing them with the intellectual resources
necessary to effectively battle for a free society.
2010 Ron Paul 37:4
Without a doubt, the Advocates are best
known for the Worldís Smallest Political
Quiz. Created by Marshall and based on an
original idea by David Nolan, this quiz graphs
an individualís political philosophy based on
responses to a series of ten questions that
measure oneís commitment to economic and
personal liberty.
2010 Ron Paul 37:5
Under Marshallís leadership, the Advocates
undertook an aggressive program of promoting
the quiz, distributing millions of copies
of the quiz to libertarian activists. They also
generously provide free copies of the quiz, as
well as libertarian literature and other outreach
materials, free of charge to liberty-minded
groups such as the Republican Liberty Caucus
and Young Americans for Liberty.
2010 Ron Paul 37:6
The quiz has been taken over 15 million
times online, has been reprinted in dozens of
newspapers and magazine, is referenced by
major high school and college textbooks, and
is used by educators in classrooms across
America. The quiz is responsible for many
peopleís first contact with libertarian ideas.
While traveling around the country, I have
often heard people say,
I never knew I was
a libertarian until I took the quiz.
2010 Ron Paul 37:7
The Advocates also recently revamped their
Libertarianism.com web site, featuring commentary
on the libertarian position on a variety
of issues from notables in the freedom movement.
I was honored when the Advocates
asked me to participate in this project.
2010 Ron Paul 37:8
As they prepare to celebrate their 25th anniversary,
it is a pleasure to thank the founder,
the staff and the donors of the Advocates for
Self-Government for all they have done for the
cause of liberty. I wish them continued success.