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2010 Ron Paul Chapter 17

Home Page   Contents   22 April 2010
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recognized for 5 minutes.

2010 Ron Paul 17:1
Mr. PAUL. Today, the motion to instruct on the comprehensive Iranian sanction bill was passed overwhelmingly, 400ñ11. Eleven individuals said that this was not a good idea. I was one of those 11, and I would like to explain why I think the sanction bill against the Iranians is very, very dangerous and not well thought out.

2010 Ron Paul 17:2
Sanctions are very serious. Sanctions are literally an act of war. When you prevent certain goods and services going into a country, itís like a blockade. There is no advantage to us to do this. The sanction bill literally says that any country that trades or sends oil into Iran, we will no longer trade with them. So if Russia sends in oil or gasoline or refined products or China does, we are theoretically, under this bill, not to trade with them. Can you think of anything more chaotic than having a trade war with China at this particular time?

2010 Ron Paul 17:3
So often well-intentioned foreign policy procedures backfire. They have unintended consequences and there is too often blowback. Today, unbelievably, we are engaged in so many places in the world and we canít afford it. Our foreign policy costs us a trillion dollars a year to operate. Weíre in 135 countries. We have over 700 bases throughout the world. We are engaged in military confrontation in Iraq, Afghanistan, in Pakistan. Weíre bombing in Yemen, as well as having surrogates fighting in Somalia.

2010 Ron Paul 17:4
Weíre flat-out broke. The policy is driving our enemies into the hands of the Chinese, and here we are looking for another war. It makes no sense whatsoever.

2010 Ron Paul 17:5
The conversation today was nothing more than war propaganda on why we have to get ready to bomb the Iranians. There is no proof, according to our CIA, that theyíre actually working on a nuclear weapon. Iím sure they would like to. Why not. Everybody around them has it so it would be logical that if theyíre surrounded and threatened and intimidated with all of the people around them, why wouldnít they want one? Well, of course they do. But others have it.

2010 Ron Paul 17:6
They have never been found in violation of the nonproliferation treaty. Never. And yet Pakistan, India, and Israel, they donít even belong, and theyíre our friends and we give them money. Pakistan, they have gotten support from us. They have nuclear weapons and they have been known to send nuclear technology to North Korea.

2010 Ron Paul 17:7
So the whole process makes so little sense.

2010 Ron Paul 17:8
The language today was used that, well, we have to go in because of the weapons of mass destruction, theyíre going to have missiles and theyíre going to attack us. Itís identical to the propaganda promoting in 2002 and 2001 before we attacked Iraq. So this same process is occurring trying to generate all of this excitement about the need to use hostilities.

2010 Ron Paul 17:9
Now, a lot of individuals vote for sanctions that are basically anti-war and they donít like the military option, and they think this is an alternative. I think that is deeply flawed thinking, because sanctions lead to hostilities. And if you commit to the sanctions, youíre really committing to the next step. The sanctions of the 1990s and the year 2000, the sanctions on Iraq, eventually led to the hostilities and the war and the invasion.

2010 Ron Paul 17:10
So what did that invasion of Iraq do? Did we find any al Qaeda there? No. We found out that Saddam Hussein wouldnít allow the al Qaeda there. No weapons of mass destruction. Weíve turned the country upside down. Hundreds of thousands of people injured and killed. We have suffered devastating problems from this. And what has happened? We turned the Government of Iraq over to the Shiites, who are allies of the Iranians. So that whole policy has actually backfired.

2010 Ron Paul 17:11
So now what weíre doing to the Iranians is driving them into the pockets of the Chinese. The Chinese are pretty good capitalists these days. They work hard, they produce, they sell us certain goods and services. We pay them, they save their money, and theyíre starting to invest. So theyíre investing around the world in natural resources. And what are we doing? All weíre doing is trying to take over the world with natural resources so we have control of oil.

2010 Ron Paul 17:12
This is a mercantilistic idea, itís ancient, and it takes you back to almost colonial times.

2010 Ron Paul 17:13
So this, I think, shows that our policies are deeply flawed. I sure would have wished this vote would have come out differently. And I warn, this was a very dangerous vote.

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