Not linked on Ron Pauls Congressional Website.
Mr. Speaker, I yield 11/2 minutes to
the gentleman from Texas (Mr. PAUL).
(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to revise and extend his remarks.)
2009 Ron Paul 35:2
Today, there is a lot of expression of
outrage – and indeed, there should be.
2009 Ron Paul 35:3
I dont believe that this resolution
really addresses the real problem that
we have. It looks like its giving the
administration an excuse by saying
that he is only doing what we have
asked him to do, and the administration.
And in many ways this is true.
The real fault, I think, falls within the
Congress ever giving this money and
allowing this to happen. But to excuse
the administration and then complain
about these bonuses and think that
that can solve our problems, it just
wont do that.
2009 Ron Paul 35:4
The real outrage, I think, is the lack
of monitoring of what we do; we give
out money, we have no strings attached,
we give out hundreds of billions
of dollars, and we totally ignore what
the Federal Reserve does by issuing literally
trillions of dollars. And yet, this
is the emergency legislation.
2009 Ron Paul 35:5
This is politically driven, I happen to
believe. I think people would like to
express their outrage, and they do. And
its an easy target, picking on AIG, but
we create these problems; we create
them by doing things that are unconstitutional.
We come up with these
schemes and these expressions and excuses,
and at the same time, we dont
address the subject of why do we spend
money, and why do we allow a monetary
system to operate without any supervision
by the Congress? Thats
where our real problem is. And someday
we will address that and deal with
this rather than doing it in the political
way of saying, well, its not our
fault, its their fault.