The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentleman
from Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recognized
for 5 minutes.
2009 Ron Paul 10:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, it has been
said, and all too often ignored, if you
live beyond your means, you will be
forced to live beneath your means.
2009 Ron Paul 10:2
Living and consuming on borrowed
money always end. Lenders, even in an
age of inflation, have their limits.
When living extravagantly, it seems
the good times will continue forever,
but when the bills come due and the
debt, with interest, needs to be paid,
the good times end.
2009 Ron Paul 10:3
The fiction that the appreciating
prices of houses and stocks and other
assets serve as savings is always self-
limited and ends with pain. Without a
source of newly borrowed funds, once
the value of stocks and houses depreciates,
the individual comes to the realization
that hard work and effort are
required to produce sustained wealth.
Working minimally is replaced with
working maximally to survive, as well
as to pay for the extravagance of previous
years. The consequence is more
work and a diminished standard of living.
2009 Ron Paul 10:4
A nation that has lived beyond its
means for a long period of time must
go through a similar process. Once the
national debt grows to an extreme proportion,
as ours has, there is no possibility
of it being paid off in the conventional
sense. Default and liquidation
are required, but sovereign states that
enjoy the ruthless power to tax and
create new money always resort to
paying their pays by deliberately depreciating
the currency. This makes it
hard to identify the victims and the
2009 Ron Paul 10:5
Todays middle class and poor are
suffering and the elite are being bailed
out, and all the while the Federal Reserve
refuses to tell the Congress exactly
who has benefitted by its largesse.
The beneficial corrections that
come with a recession, of debt liquidation
and removing the malinvestment,
are delayed by government bailouts.
This strategy proved in the late 1930s
to transform a recession into a Great
Depression and will surely do so again.
2009 Ron Paul 10:6
We have become the greatest debtor
nation in the world. The borrowed
money was not used to build our industries
but was used mainly for consumption.
The fact that the world trusted
the dollar as the reserve currency significantly
contributed to the imbalances
of the world financial system.
The fiat dollar standard that evolved
after the breakdown of Bretton Woods
in 1971 has ended. This is a consequence
of our privileged position of living way
beyond our means for too many years.
2009 Ron Paul 10:7
At present, all efforts worldwide are
directed toward salvaging a financial
system that cannot be revived. The
only tool the economic planners have
is the creation of trillions of dollars of
new money out of thin air. All this
does is delay the inevitable and magnify
the future danger.
2009 Ron Paul 10:8
Central bank cooperation in the
scheme will not make it work. Pretending
the dollar is maintaining real
value by manipulating the price of
gold – the historic mechanism for
measuring a currencys value – will
work no better than the effort of the
1960s to keep gold at $35 an ounce. Nevertheless,
Bretton Woods failed in 1971,
as was predicted by the free market
economists, despite these efforts.
2009 Ron Paul 10:9
This crisis were in is destined to get
much worse because the real cause is
not acknowledged. Not only are the
corrections delayed and distorted, additional
problems are yet to be dealt
with – the commercial property bubble,
the insolvent retirement funds, both
private and public, state finances, and
the university trust funds. For all
these problems, only massive currency
inflation is offered by the Fed. The real
concern ought to be for a dollar crisis,
which will come if we dont change our
2009 Ron Paul 10:10
Even massive bailouts cannot work.
If they did, no person in the United
States would ever have to work again.
We need to wake up and recognize the
importance of sound money. We need
to reintroduce the work ethic. We must
once again cherish savings over consumption.
We must recognize that an
overextended foreign policy has been
the downfall of all great nations. And,
above all else, we need to simply believe
once again in the free society
that made America great.