Wednesday, July 23, 2008
2008 Ron Paul 52:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, for several years, followers of the Austrian school of economics
have warned that unless Congress moved to
end the implicit Government guarantee of
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and took other
steps to disengage the U.S. Government from
the housing market, America would face a crisis
in housing. This crisis would force Congress
to chose between authorizing a taxpayer
bailout of Fannie and Freddie, and other
measures increasing Governments involvement
in housing, or restoring a free market in
housing by ending Government support for
Fannie and Freddie and repealing all laws that
interfere in housing. The bursting of the housing
bubble, and the recent near-collapse in investor
support for Fannie and Freddie has
proven my fellow Austrians correct. Unfortunately,
but not surprisingly, instead of ending
the prior interventions in the housing market
that are responsible for the current crisis, Congress
is increasing the level of Government
intervention in the housing market. This is the
equivalent of giving a drug addict another fix,
which will only make the necessary withdrawal
more painful.
2008 Ron Paul 52:2
The provision giving the Treasury Secretary a blank check to purchase Fannie and Freddie
stock not only makes the implicit Government
guarantee of Fannie and Freddie explicit, it
represents another unconstitutional delegation
of Congress constitutional authority to control
the allocation of taxpayer dollars. While the
Treasury Secretary has to file a report with
Congress, the lack of any effective standards
for the expenditure of funds makes it impossible
for Congress to perform effective oversight
on Treasurys expenditures.
2008 Ron Paul 52:3
H.R. 3221 also takes another troubling step toward the creation of surveillance state by
creating a Nationwide Mortgage Licensing
System and Registry. This Federal database
will contain personal information about anyone
wishing to work as a loan originator. Loan
originator is defined broadly as anyone who
takes a residential loan application; and offers
or negotiates terms of a residential mortgage
loan for compensation or gain. According
to some analysts, this definition is so
broad as to cover part-time clerks and real estate
agents who receive even minimal compensation
from originators. Additionally, this
database forced on industry will be funded by
fees paid to the Federal banking agencies, yet
another costly burden to the American taxpayers.
2008 Ron Paul 52:4
Among the information that will be collected from loan originators for inclusion in the Federal
database are fingerprints. Madam Speaker,
giving the Federal Government the power
to force Americans who wish to work in real
estate to submit their fingerprints to a Federal
database opens the door to numerous abuses
of privacy and civil liberties and establishes a
dangerous precedent. Fingerprint databases
and background checks have been no deterrent
to espionage and fraud among governmental
agencies, and will likewise fail to prevent
fraud in the real estate market. I am
amazed to see some members who are usually
outspoken advocates of civil liberties and
defenders of the fourth amendment support
this new threat to privacy.
2008 Ron Paul 52:5
Finally, H.R. 3221 increases the Federal debt limit by $800 billion. We are told that
CBO has scored this bill at a cost of $25 billion,
but this debt limit increase belies that.
The Federal Reserve has already propped up
the housing and financial markets to the tune
of over $300 billion, and this raise of the debt
limit indicates that the cost of this newest bailout
will likely be even more costly. I am dismayed
that my colleagues have not learned
the lessons of the PATRIOT Act and Sarbanes-
Oxley. Massive bills passed in knee-
jerk reaction to crisis events will always be
poorly written, burdensome and expensive to
taxpayers, and destructive of liberty.