Tuesday, April 22, 2008
2008 Ron Paul 25:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in reluctant opposition to H.R. 5613, legislation halting the
implementation of a package of new Medicaid
rules. The proponents of H.R. 5613 are correct
that halting some of these rules will protect
needed Medicaid reimbursements for
health care providers. However, some of the
rules that H.R. 5613 blocks address abuses of
Federal Medicaid dollars that should be halted.
Greater efforts to ensure Medicaid resources
are properly spent will help those
health care providers most in need of continued
support from the Medicaid program, since
a Medicaid dollar lost to fraud and abuse is a
dollar that cannot be spent helping hospitals
and physicians provide health care to the
2008 Ron Paul 25:3
Had members been given the opportunity to offer amendments, we could have fashioned a
bill that would have protected needed reimbursements
for legitimate health care expenditures
while addressing legitimate concerns
about misuse of Medicaid funds. Unfortunately,
the House leadership chose to deny
members the ability to improve this bill, and
have a meaningful debate on how to ensure
Medicaids financial stability without denying
care to those dependent on the program, by
putting this bill on the suspension calendar.
2008 Ron Paul 25:4
According to some estimates, failure to implement the proposed regulations could cost
the already financially fragile Medicaid system
as much as 10 billion over the next several
years. Yet, the sponsors of this bill refuse to
make a serious effort to address these costs.
Mr. Speaker, instead of rushing H.R. 5613 into
law, we should be looking for ways to shore
up Medicaid by making cuts in other, lower
priority programs, using those savings to ensure
the short-term fiscal stability of federal
entitlement programs while transitioning to a
more stable means of providing health care for
low-income Americans. I have been outspoken
on the areas I believe should be subject to
deep cuts in order to finance serious entitlement
reform that protects those relying on
these programs. I will not go into detail on
these cuts, although I will observe that in recent
weeks this Congress has authorized billions
of new foreign aid spending, yet today
we are told we cannot find the money to address
Medicaids long-term financial imbalances.
2008 Ron Paul 25:5
Mr. Speaker, H.R. 5613 may provide some short-term benefit to Medicaid providers, however,
it does so by further jeopardizing the
long-term fiscal soundness of the Medicaid
program. Thus, this passage of this bill will ultimately
damage the very low-income Americans
the bill aims to help.