Tuesday, April 8, 2008
2008 Ron Paul 20:1
Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, as an OB–GYN I take a back seat to no one when it comes
to caring about the health of newborn children.
However, as a Representative who has taken
an oath to uphold the Constitution, I cannot
support legislation, no matter how much I
sympathize with the legislations stated goals,
that exceeds the Constitutional limitations on
Federal power or in any way threatens the liberty
of the American people. Since S. 1858
violates the Constitution, and may have unintended
consequences that will weaken the
American health care system and further
erode medical privacy, I must oppose it.
2008 Ron Paul 20:2
S. 1858 gives the Federal bureaucracy the authority to develop a model newborn screening
program. Madam Speaker, the Federal
Government lacks both the constitutional authority
and the competence to develop a newborn
screening program adequate for a nation
as large and diverse as the United States.
Some will say that the program is merely a
guide for local hospitals. However, does anyone
seriously doubt that, whatever the flaws
contained in the model eventually adopted by
the Federal Government, almost every hospital
in the country will scrap their own newborn
screening programs in favor of the Federal
model? After all, no hospital will want to
risk losing Federal funding because they did
not adopt the federally approved plan for
newborn screening. Thus, this bill takes another
step toward the nationalization of health
2008 Ron Paul 20:3
As the Federal Government assumes more control over health care, medical privacy has
increasingly come under assault. Those of us
in the medical profession should be particularly
concerned about policies allowing Government
officials and State-favored interests to
access our medical records without our consent.
After all, patient confidentiality is the
basis of the trust that must underline a positive
physician-patient relationship. Yet my review
of S. 1858 indicates the drafters of the
legislation made no effort to ensure these
newborn screening programs do not violate
the privacy rights of parents and children.
2008 Ron Paul 20:4
In fact, by directing Federal bureaucrats to create a contingency plan for newborn screening
in the event of a public health disaster,
this bill may lead to further erosions of medical
privacy. As recent history so eloquently illustrates,
politicians are more than willing to take,
and people are more than willing to cede, liberty
during times of emergency. Thus, most
people will gladly sacrifice their families medical
privacy if they are told it is necessary to
protect them from a Government-declared
health emergency, while the Federal Government
will be very unlikely to relinquish its new
powers when the emergency passes.
2008 Ron Paul 20:5
I am also skeptical, to say the least, that a top-down Federal plan to screen any part of
the population will effectively help meet the
challenges facing the health care system in
the event of a real public emergency. State
and local Governments working together with
health care providers, can better come up with
effective ways to deal with public health emergencies
than can any Federal bureaucracy. It
is for these reasons, Madam Speaker, that I
oppose S. 1858.