The Port Of Galveston: A Source Of Economic Growth For Texas And The Nation
1 March 2007
Thursday, March 1, 2007
2007 Ron Paul 33:1
Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, in recognition of the benefits the Port of Galveston provides
to Galveston, and the Nation, the Galveston
Chamber of Commerce will honor the port on
March 7. I am pleased to join my friends from
the Galveston Chamber of Commerce in paying
tribute to the Port of Galveston.
2007 Ron Paul 33:2
For the past 5 years, the Port of Galveston has been undergoing major transformations. In
fact, port officials believe there have been
more changes at the port during this period
than in any other 5 years in the ports history.
As a result of these changes, in the 2006 fiscal
year the Port of Galveston had its highest
gross operating revenue in 23 years.
2007 Ron Paul 33:3
The cruise industry is the largest source of port-related economic growth for both the city
of Galveston and the State of Texas. In 2006,
the Galveston-based cruise business helped
support 13,272 cruise industry jobs in Texas
that paid more than $599 million in wages. Approximately
46 percent of the industrys direct
expenditures were based in tourism-related
businesses like travel agencies, airlines, hotels,
restaurants, and ground transportation
providers. Other Texas industries that benefit
from the cruise businesss expansion are petroleum
refining, communications and navigation
equipment, and engines and power transmission
equipment manufacturing.
2007 Ron Paul 33:4
The increase in cruise-related income has presented the Port of Galveston with the challenge
of ensuring the port is capable of continuing
to meet the needs of the cruise business.
The Port of Galvestons management is
committed to ensuring the port continues to
grow and change to meet the demands of the
ports expanding cruise and other businesses.
Since 2000, approximately $45 million has
been invested in the ports cruise facilities. It
is expected that revenues from cruise operations
will give the port an opportunity to move
forward and leverage earlier financing to provide
for additional maintenance, repair, and
capital construction in the port.
2007 Ron Paul 33:5
Madam Speaker, the Port of Galvestons contribution to the Texas and United States
economies is by no means limited to the
cruise business. The port also plays a vital
role in the global economy by facilitating trade
with Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Germany,
China, Israel, Italy, and other countries.
2007 Ron Paul 33:6
In conclusion, Madam Speaker, I am pleased to join the Galveston Chamber of
Commerce in honoring the management of the
Port of Galveston for all of their contributions
to the economies of Galveston, Texas, and
the world.