2006 Ron Paul 79:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to support and cosponsor H. Res. 874, a resolution
honoring Americas senior citizens for
their contributions to American life. I am particularly
pleased by the language encouraging
young people to seek out and talk to our Nations
seniors about these seniors life experiences.
Talking to beloved grandparents,
aunts, uncles, or friends about their past is a
great way to learn history and gain an understanding
of the past that simply cannot be obtained
from a textbook.
2006 Ron Paul 79:2
I hope that, in the limited time left in this congressional session, we would further demonstrate
our commitment to Americas seniors
by voting on my Senior Citizens Improved
Quality of Life Act, H.R. 5211. H.R. 5211 contains
a number of items of great importance to
Americas seniors. H.R. 5211 helps seniors
2006 Ron Paul 79:3
Repealing all taxes on Social Security benefits. Since Social Security benefits are financed
with tax dollars, taxing these benefits
is an example of double taxation. The benefits
tax also reduces Social Security benefits by
2006 Ron Paul 79:4
Ensuring that Social Security trust fund money is used only for Social Security. H.R.
5211 requires that all money raised for the Social
Security trust fund will be spent in payments
to beneficiaries, with excess receipts invested
in interest-bearing certificates of deposit.
This will keep Social Security trust fund
money from being diverted to other programs,
as well as allow the fund to grow by providing
for investment in interest-bearing instruments.
Ending the raid of the Social Security trust
fund is a vital first step in any serious Social
Security reform plan. Protecting the trust fund
also demonstrates our commitment to putting
the priorities of the American people ahead of
special interest pork barrel spending.
2006 Ron Paul 79:5
Repealing provisions of Federal law that restrict the ability of senior citizens to form private
contracts for health care services. This
restriction violates the rights of seniors who
may wish to use their own resources to obtain
procedures or treatments not covered by
Medicare, or to simply avoid the bureaucracy
and uncertainty that come when seniors must
wait for the judgment of a Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services, CMS, bureaucrat
before finding out if a desired treatment is covered.
H.R. 5211 also stops the Social Security
Administration from denying Social Security
benefits to seniors who refuse to enroll in
Medicare Part A. Forcing seniors to enroll in
Medicare Part A as a condition for receiving
Social Security violates the promise represented
by Social Security. Americans pay
taxes into the Social Security trust fund their
whole working lives and are promised that Social
Security will be there for them when they
retire. Yet, today, seniors are told that they
cannot receive these benefits unless they
agree to join another government program.
2006 Ron Paul 79:6
Allowing seniors who neither want nor need to participate in the Medicare program to refrain
from doing so and ensuring seniors have
the freedom to use their own resources to obtain
quality health care will strengthen the
Medicare program for those seniors who do
wish to receive Medicare benefits. Of course,
H.R. 5211 does not take away Medicare benefits
from any senior. It simply allows each senior
to choose voluntarily whether or not to accept
Medicare benefits.
2006 Ron Paul 79:7
Ensuring that Social Security benefits only go to American citizens. Proposals, such as
those contained in the Reid-Kennedy immigration
bill, to allow noncitizens, including those
who entered the country illegally, to receive
Social Security benefits are a slap in the face
to Americas workers and seniors. H.R. 5211
ensures that only American citizens who have
paid into the Social Security trust fund can receive
Social Security benefits.
2006 Ron Paul 79:8
Providing seniors with a tax credit to help cover their prescription drug expenses not
covered by Medicare and repealing Federal
barriers that prohibit seniors from obtaining
quality prescription drugs from overseas. Even
though Congress added a prescription drug
benefit to Medicare, many seniors still have
difficulty affording their prescription drugs. One
reason is because the new program creates a
doughnut hole, where seniors must pay for
their prescriptions above a certain amount out
of their own pockets until their expenses reach
a level where Medicare coverage resumes.
H.R. 5211 helps seniors cope with these costs
by providing them with a tax credit equal to 80
percent of their out-of-pocket pharmaceutical
2006 Ron Paul 79:9
H.R. 5211 also lowers the price of pharmaceuticals by making two changes in the law to
create a free market in pharmaceuticals. First,
H.R. 5211 allows anyone wishing to import a
drug to submit an application to the Food and
Drug Administration, FDA, which then must
approve the drug unless the FDA finds the
drug is either not approved for use in the U.S.
or is adulterated or misbranded. Second, H.R.
5211 ensures that lawful internet pharmacies
can continue to offer affordable prescription
drugs free of Federal harassment.
2006 Ron Paul 79:10
In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, I reiterate my support for H. Res. 874 and my hope that
Congress will continue to show its appreciation
for Americas seniors by voting on my
Senior Citizens Improved Quality of Life Act
before adjourning for the year.