2006 Ron Paul 6:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take my Special Order
at this time.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there
objection to the request of the gentleman
from Texas?
There was no objection.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentleman
from Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recognized
for 5 minutes.
2006 Ron Paul 6:2
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, everyone knows our country is deeply in debt.
Most Americans decry the rampant
growth in government spending. Essentially,
however, no one in Washington
is concerned enough to do anything
about it.
2006 Ron Paul 6:3
Debt is like an addiction: the political pain of withdrawal keeps politicians
spending, so they do not offend
any special interest groups demanding
that government benefits continue. As
with all addictions, long-term dependency
on a dangerous substance can kill
the patient. Dependency on bad policy
also can destroy the goose that many
believe lays the golden egg.
2006 Ron Paul 6:4
Our ever-increasing government expenditures, which perpetuate a runaway
welfare/warfare state, simply are
not sustainable. The fallacy comes
from the belief that government can
provide for our needs and manage a
worldwide empire. In truth, government
can provide benefits only by first
taking resources from productive
American citizens or borrowing against
the future. Inevitably, government programs
exceed the productive capacity
of the people or their willingness to finance
wasteful spending.
2006 Ron Paul 6:5
The authority to accumulate deficits provides a tremendous incentive to
politicians to increase spending. Total
spending is the real culprit. The more
government taxes, borrows, or inflates,
the less chance the people have to
spend their resources wisely. The way
government spends money also causes
great harm. By their very nature, governments
are inefficient and typically
operate as we recently witnessed with
FEMA in Louisiana, Mississippi, and
Texas over the last 6 months. Governments
are bureaucratic, inefficient,
and invite fraud. This is just as true in
foreign affairs as it is in domestic affairs.
Throughout history, foreign military
adventurism has been economically
harmful for those nations bent on
intervening abroad. Our Nation is no
2006 Ron Paul 6:6
Largesse at home and militarism abroad requires excessive spending and
taxation, pushing deficits to a point
where the whole system collapses. The
biggest recent collapse was the fall of
the Soviet Empire just 15 years ago.
My contention is that we are not immune
from a similar crisis. Today, our
national debt is $8.257 trillion. Interestingly,
the legal debt limit is $8.184 trillion.
2006 Ron Paul 6:7
This means we currently are $73 billion over the legal debt limit. Creative
financing Washington-style allows this
to happen, but soon Congress will be
forced to increase the national debt
limit by hundreds of billions of dollars.
Congress will raise the limit, quietly if
necessary; and the deficit spiral will
continue for a while longer.
2006 Ron Paul 6:8
But this official debt figure barely touches the subject. Total obligations
of the Federal Government, including
Social Security and Medicare and prescription
drugs, are now over $50 trillion,
a sum younger generations will
not be able to pay. This means the
standard of living of a lot of Americans
who are retired will decline sharply in
the near future.
2006 Ron Paul 6:9
Two vehicles are used to fund this wild spending. First, the Federal Reserve
creates dollars out of thin air and
purchases Treasury bills without limit,
a very nice convenience.
2006 Ron Paul 6:10
Second, foreign entities, mostly central banks, own $1.5 trillion of our
debt. They purchased over $200 billion
in just the last 12 months, increasing
their holdings by 15 percent. This is a
consequence of our current account
deficit and the outsourcing of more and
more American manufacturing jobs.
Few economists argue that this arrangement
can continue much longer.
2006 Ron Paul 6:11
Excessive spending, a rapidly growing national debt, the Federal Reserve
inflation machine, and foreign borrowing
all put pressure on the dollar.
Unless we treat our addiction to debt,
it will play havoc with the dollar, undermine
our economic well-being, and
destroy our liberties. It is time for us
to get our house in order.