2006 Ron Paul 37:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment.
The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will designate
the amendment.
The text of the amendment is as follows:
Amendment No. 4 offered by Mr. PAUL:
At the end of the bill (before the short
title), insert the following new sections:
SEC. ll. None of the funds made available
in this Act may be used to implement or administer
the National Animal Identification
The CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to the
order of the House of today, the gentleman
from Texas (Mr. PAUL) and a
Member opposed each will control 5
The Chair recognizes the gentleman
from Texas.
2006 Ron Paul 37:2
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, I yield myself such time as I may consume.
(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to revise and extend his remarks.)
2006 Ron Paul 37:3
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, my amendment is very simple. It says none of the
funds made available in this act may
be used to implement or administer a
National Animal Identification System.
I think at this time one thing
that this country doesnt need is another
huge bureaucracy tracing and
following every animal in the country.
2006 Ron Paul 37:4
That is exactly what this new program will do. It means that each animal
will be tagged with a radio frequency
ID, all cattle, swine, sheep,
goats, horses poultry, bison, deer, elk,
lamas and alpacas.
2006 Ron Paul 37:5
For one, what you own on your farm should be your property, and that information
should be private unless
there is some type of a subpoena. There
is a fourth amendment issue here.
2006 Ron Paul 37:6
Also, there is the issue of just why this is being done. A lot of people have
claimed, and I agree with this, that
this is a benefit to the large agribusiness
farmers, and it is a great detriment
to the small farmers who will
be burdened with this great effort to
accumulate data which will be of benefit
to some private big companies.
2006 Ron Paul 37:7
Actually, the database will be controlled by private companies. It will be
said that this is a voluntary program,
but it has also been told me by the Agriculture
Department that if it isnt 100
percent agreed to by the year 2008, it
will become mandatory. So it is a little
bit of 1984 newspeak about exactly how
voluntary it is.
2006 Ron Paul 37:8
But we certainly dont need this type of program. We already have plenty of
programs that trace and monitor
movement. There are health requirements
and brands and all the other efforts.
This, to me, is a bureaucratic
boondoggle that we dont need.
2006 Ron Paul 37:9
Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 1/2 minutes to the gentleman from Colorado (Mr.