The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. The
Clerk will designate the amendment.
The text of the amendment is as follows:
Amendment No. 3 offered by Mr. PAUL:
At the end of the bill (before the short
title), insert the following:
SEC. ll. None of the funds made available
in this Act may be used to create or implement
any new universal mental health
screening program.
The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. Pursuant
to the order of the House earlier
today, the gentleman from Texas (Mr.
PAUL) and a Member opposed each will
control 5 minutes.
The Chair recognizes the gentleman
from Texas (Mr. PAUL).
2004 Ron Paul 67:2
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, I yield myself 3 1/2 minutes.
(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to revise and extend his remarks.)
2004 Ron Paul 67:3
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, my amendment says that no funds in this bill
will be permitted to be used to institute
system of universal mental health
screening. The New Freedoms Commission
on Mental Health, a commission
established in 2002, has recommended
universal mental health screening for
all our children in our public schools as
well as adults who work in these
schools. As a medical doctor, as a civil
libertarian, and a strict
constitutionist, I strongly reject this
notion, this plan, as dangerous and
2004 Ron Paul 67:4
This type of screening would surely lead to a lot more treatment of hyperactive
kids. We already have an epidemic
in our schools today that are
overtreated. Too often under these conditions,
children are coerced into taking
medicine. It has been known that
parents who have denied medication
for their children have been accused of
child abuse. There is already tremendous
pressure on parents to allow public
school officials to put children on
medication like Ritalin.
2004 Ron Paul 67:5
This amendment would not deny, in the routine course of events, medical
treatment for those who are suffering
from mental disease. What my concern
is for a universal screening test of all
children for mental illness.
2004 Ron Paul 67:6
Diagnosis in psychiatry is mostly subjective. It is very difficult to come
up with objective criteria. If we wanted
psychiatrists to perform the test to
make it more objective, it would be impossible.
We are talking about an unbelievable
number of psychiatrists that
are not available, so nonpsychiatrists
would be doing this testing.
2004 Ron Paul 67:7
One of the worst downsides from a program like this would be for a child
to be put on a list as having some type
of mental disorder.
2004 Ron Paul 67:8
An unruly child is going to be the first one to be determined as mentally
disturbed. It is happening all the time.
Those are the individuals that are hyperactive
even in a normal sense and
end up on Ritalin.
2004 Ron Paul 67:9
But can you imagine a list of this sort? They claim it will be private, but
can you imagine if there is a list that
has identified an individual as a possible
candidate for violence? And what
if he were to be hired by an important
industry? What if the post office was to
hire this individual and he was on this
list and we did not make this information
available to the hiring authorities?
That means there would be tremendous
pressure to make public officials
use this list for reasons that I
think would be very, very negative.
2004 Ron Paul 67:10
The whole notion of testing children to me represents a principle even more
intrusive than a mandatory blood test.
It would make more sense medically to
have a blood test for, say, AIDS, if you
thought it was the responsibility of the
Federal Government to take this job
upon themselves. But, no, if we tried to
do this in the area of mental diseases,
believe me, the criteria would be way
too arbitrary. A diagnosis will be too
difficult to determine with a set of objective