H. Res. 412 Honoring Men And Women Of The Drug Enforcement Administration — Part 1
3 March 2004
2004 Ron Paul 10:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.
(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to revise and extend his remarks.)
2004 Ron Paul 10:2
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to the resolution but obviously
not because we should not honor
the men who were asked to do their
duty and lost their lives. It is for another
2004 Ron Paul 10:3
I would like to call attention to my colleagues and to the Congress the lack
of success on the war on drugs. The war
has been going on for 30 years. The success
is not there, and I think we are deceiving
ourselves if we think that everything
is going well and that we have
achieved something, because there is
really no evidence for that. Not only
that, there have been many unintended
consequences that we fail to look at,
and I want to take this time to make
that the point and try to get some of us
to think that there may be another
way to fight the war on drugs.
2004 Ron Paul 10:4
I do not know of anybody who likes drugs and advocates the use of drugs. I
as a physician am strongly opposed to
the use of drugs. It is just that the
techniques make a big difference. We
are talking about bad habits, and yet
we are resorting to the use of force, literally
an army of agents and hundreds
of billions of dollars over a 30-year period,
in an effort to bring about
changes in peoples habits. Someday we
are going to have to decide how successful
we have been. Was it a good investment?
Have we really accomplished
2004 Ron Paul 10:5
Another reason why I am taking this time to express an opposition is that
the process has been flawed. After
World War I, there was a movement in
this country that believed that too
many Americans had bad habits of
drinking too much alcohol, and of
course, if we really want to deal with a
bad drug, alcohol is it. Many, many
more die from alcoholism and drunken
driving and all kinds of related illnesses,
but the country knew it and
they recognized how one dealt with
those problems.
2004 Ron Paul 10:6
The one thing that this country recognized was that the Congress had no
authority to march around the country
and tell people not to drink beer, and
what did they do? They resorted to
amending the Constitution, a proper
procedure, and of course, it turned out
to be a failed experiment. After 12
years, they woke up and the American
people changed it.
2004 Ron Paul 10:7
We have gone 30 years and we have not even reconsidered a new approach
to the use of drugs and the problems
that we face.
2004 Ron Paul 10:8
Another thing that is rather astounding to me, is that not only have we lost
the respect for the Constitution to say
that the Federal Government can be
involved in teaching habits, but we literally
did this not even through congressional
2004 Ron Paul 10:9
The DEA was created by an executive order. Imagine the size of this program
created merely by a President signing
an executive order. Of course, the ultimate
responsibility falls on the Congress
because we acquiesce and we vote
for all the funding. The DEA has received
over $24 billion in the past 30
years, but the real cost of law enforcement
is well over $240 billion when we
add up all the costs.
2004 Ron Paul 10:10
And then if we look at the prison system, we have created a monstrosity.
Eighty-four percent, according to one
study, 84 percent of all Federal prisoners
are nonviolent drug prisoners.
They go in and they come out violent.
We are still talking about a medical
problem. We treat alcoholism as a medical
problem, but anybody who smokes
a marijuana cigarette or sells something,
we want to put them in prison. I
think it is time to stop and reevaluate
2004 Ron Paul 10:11
One other point is that as a physician I have come to the firm conclusion
that the war on drugs has been very
detrimental to the practice of medicine
and the care of patients. The drug culture
has literally handicapped physicians
in caring for the ill and the pain
that people suffer with terminal illnesses.
I have seen doctors in tears
coming to me and saying that all his
wife had asked me for was to die not in
pain; and even he, as a physician, could
not get enough pain medication because
they did not want to make her
an addict. So we do have a lot of unintended
2004 Ron Paul 10:12
We have civil liberty consequences as well. We set the stage for gangsters and
terrorists raising money by making
weeds and wild plants and flowers illegal.
If someone could say and show me
all of a sudden that the American people
use a lot less drugs and kids are
never tempted, it would be a better
case; but we do not have the evidence.
We have no evidence to show that 30
years of this drug war has done very
much good. Matter of fact, all studies
of the DARE program show that the
DARE program has not encouraged
kids to use less illegal drugs. So there
is quite a few reasons why we ought
not to just glibly say to the DEA its
been a wonderful 30 years and encourage
more of it.
2004 Ron Paul 10:13
The second part of the resolution talks about the sacrifice of these men.
To me, it is a tragedy. Why should we
ever have a policy where men have to
sacrifice themselves? I do not believe it
is necessary. We gave up on the prohibition
of alcohol. I believe the drug war
ought to be fought, but in a much different