Mr. HINCHEY. Mr. Chairman, I yield
4 minutes to the gentleman from Texas
(Mr. PAUL).
(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to revise and extend his remarks.)
2003 Ron Paul 89:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, I thank the gentleman for yielding me the
2003 Ron Paul 89:2
As a cosponsor of the amendment, I rise in support of this amendment and
appreciate the fact that the gentleman
from New York has brought it to the
2003 Ron Paul 89:3
I would suggest that the previous speaker has forgotten some of the law;
and to me, that would be the constitutional
law of the ninth and tenth
amendments. So changing the law is
one thing, but remembering the Constitution
is another.
2003 Ron Paul 89:4
This has a lot to do with State law; but more importantly, as a physician, I
see this bill as something dealing with
compassion. As a physician, I have seen
those who have died with cancer and
getting chemotherapy and with AIDS
and having nothing to help them.
2003 Ron Paul 89:5
There is the case in California of Peter McDaniels, who was diagnosed
with cancer and AIDS. California
changed the law and permitted him to
use marijuana if it was self-grown, and
he was using it; and yet although he
was dying, the Federal officials came
in and arrested him and he was taken
to court. The terrible irony of this was
here was a man that was dying and the
physicians were not giving him any
help; and when he was tried, it was not
allowed to be said that he was obeying
the State law.
2003 Ron Paul 89:6
That is how far the ninth and tenth amendments have been undermined,
that there has been so much usurpation
of States rights and States abilities
to manage these affair, and that is why
the Founders set the system up this
way in order that if there is a mistake
it not be monolithic; and believe me,
the Federal Government has made a
mistake not only here with marijuana,
with all the drug laws, let me tell my
2003 Ron Paul 89:7
There are more people who die from the use of legal drugs than illegal
drugs. Just think of that. More people
die from the use of legal drugs; and
also, there are more deaths from the
drug war than there are from deaths
from using the illegal drugs. So it has
gotten out of control. But the whole
idea that a person who is dying, a physician
cannot even prescribe something
that might help them. The terrible
irony of Peter McDaniels was that he
died because of vomiting, something
that could have and had only been curtailed
by the use of marijuana. No
other medication had helped; and we,
the Federal Government, go in there
and deny this and defy the State law,
the State law of California.
2003 Ron Paul 89:8
Yes, I would grant my colleagues there is danger in all medications.
There is some danger in marijuana, but
I do not know of any deaths that is
purely marijuana-related. If we want to
talk about a deadly medication or a
deadly drug that kills literally tens of
thousands in this country, it is alcohol.
And how many people want to go back
to prohibition? I mean, nobodys proposing
that, and yet that is a deadly
2003 Ron Paul 89:9
The whole notion that we can deny this right to the States to allow a little
bit of compassion for a patient that is
dying, I would say this is a compassionate
vote. If we care about the people
being sick, then we have to vote for
this amendment. This will do nothing
to increase the use of bad drugs. The
bad drugs are there; and as a physician
and a parent and a grandparent, I
preach against it all the time, but the
unwise use of drugs is a medical problem,
just like alcoholism is a medical
problem; but we have turned this into
a monster to the point where we will
not even allow a person dying from
cancer and AIDS to get a little bit of
2003 Ron Paul 89:10
I strongly urge support and a positive vote for this amendment.