Wednesday, March 5, 2003
2003 Ron Paul 29:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in reluctant opposition to H.R. 743, the Social Security
Protection Act. While this bill contains many
provisions worthy of support, it also removes
the only means by which many widowed
Texas public school teachers can receive the
same spousal social security benefits as every
other American. As I am sure my colleagues
are aware, widowed public school employees
in Texas, like public employees throughout the
nation, have their spousal social security reduced
if they receive a government pension.
The Government Pension Offset even applies
if the public employee in question worked all
the quarters necessary to qualify for full social
security benefits either before or after working
in the public school system!
2003 Ron Paul 29:2
The effect of the Government Pension Offset is to punish people for teaching in public
schools! However, current law provides widowed
Texas public school teachers a means
of collecting the full social security spousal
benefits. Unfortunately, this bill removes that
option from Texas teachers. Since I believe
the Congress should repeal the Government
Pension Offset by passing H.R. 524, which repeals
both the Government Pension Offset
and the Windfall Elimination Provision, another
provision that denies public employees full social
security benefits, I must oppose this bill.
2003 Ron Paul 29:3
Instead of punishing public school teachers, Congress should be encouraging good people
to enter the education profession by passing
my Teacher Tax Cut Act (H.R. 613) which provides
every teacher with a $1,000 tax credit,
as well as my Professional Educators Tax
Credit Act (H.R. 614), which provides a $1,000
tax credit to counselors, librarians, and all
school personnel. Congress should also act to
protect the integrity of the Social Security
Trust Fund by passing my Social Security
Preservation Act (H.R. 219), which ensures
that Social Security monies are not spent on
other programs. Congress should also pass
my Social Security for American Citizens Only
Act (H.R. 489), which ensures that noncitizens
who have not worked the required number of
quarters and illegal immigrants do not receive
social security benefits.