Wednesday, February 16, 2000
2000 Ron Paul 9:1
Mr. Speaker, today I introduce
the Partial birth Abortion and Judicial Limitation
Act. This bill would, in accordance with article
3, section 2 of our United States Constitution,
prohibit federal courts (exclusive of the
U.S. Supreme Court) from hearing cases relative
to partial birth abortion.
2000 Ron Paul 9:2
One of the most egregious portions of the
Roe versus Wade decision is that the ruling in
that case served to substitute the opinions of
unelected judges for those of state representatives
when it comes to making abortion law.
By doing this, judges have not merely taken
on the role of legislators, they have also thrust
the federal apparatus into an area that the
founding fathers specifically and exclusively
entrusted to state entities. Unfortunately, this
aspect of Roe versus Wade has not received
the attention that less critical portions of the
decision have received.
2000 Ron Paul 9:3
The legislation I am introducing today is
aimed at moving us toward correcting this federal
judicial usurpation of constitutionally identified
state authority. This legislation is needed
now more than ever as certain lower federal
courts have taken it upon themselves to continue
the error-ridden ways of Roe versus
Wade by overturning legitimate state restrictions
on partial birth abortion.
2000 Ron Paul 9:4
Mr. Speaker, I encourage my colleagues to
review this new legislation and to join me in
this battle by cosponsoring this pro-life legislation.
2000 Ron Paul 9:1
Partial birth Abortion and Judicial Limitation Act probably should be capitalized:
Partial Birth Abortion and Judicial Limitation Act.