2000 Ron Paul 65:1
Mr. Chairman, I yield myself
such time as I may consume.
2000 Ron Paul 65:2
Let me see if I can explain as an obstetrician
the fundamentals of the
birds and the bees, about the fundamentals
of law. Under the Constitution
we are not permitted to do these
2000 Ron Paul 65:3
I agree with much of what has been
said. I believe in birth control, and
believe it should be voluntary. But this
is not voluntary on the part of the
American taxpayer. They are the ones
who suffer the consequence of the involuntary
compulsion of the tax collector
coming and compelling the
American taxpayer to fund things that
they find immoral and wrong. That is
the lack of voluntary approach that
you have.
2000 Ron Paul 65:4
Yes, there are a lot of good intentions.
I think that is very good. But
there are a lot of complications that
come from these procedures. As I mentioned
before, this nonoxynol, it is
spermicidal, and it increases the spread
of AIDS. Good intentions, unintended
consequences. The American taxpayers
are subsidizing this.
2000 Ron Paul 65:5
What we are saying is that there is
better approach. There is a voluntary
approach through donations, through
our churches. But not through the
compulsion of the IRS telling the
American taxpayers that they are compelled
to pay for an egregious act that
they find personally abhorrent.