2000 Ron Paul 51:2
Mr. Speaker, I would like to say to
the gentleman from Texas that the
giant meat packers may well be represented
at the WTO, but the small
rancher and farmer is not. The same
people who promote this type of international
managed trade where we lose
control and it is delivered to an international
bureaucracy are the same
ones who fight hard to prevent us trading
with Cuba and selling our products
2000 Ron Paul 51:3
Essentially no one here advocating trade, as
managed through the WTO, supports me in
my efforts to open the Cuban markets to our
farm products. Theres a lot of talk regarding
free trade and open markets but little action.
The support by the WTO advocates is for
international managed trade along with subsidies
to their corporate allies.
2000 Ron Paul 51:4
Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to the
gentleman from California