2000 Ron Paul 40:1
Mr. Speaker,
morning the legislation which would have implemented permanent normal
trade relations with the Peoples Republic of China was three pages in
length. Today, it is 66 pages in length. Close examination of this bill
gone bad is demonstrative of how this Congress misdefines free
trade and how, like most everything else is in Washington, this free
trade bill is a misnomer of significant proportions.
2000 Ron Paul 40:2
For the past
several years I
have favored normal trade relations with the Peoples Republic of
China. Because of certain misconceptions, I believe it is useful to
begin with some detail as to what normal trade relations status is
and what it is not. Previous normal trade relations votes meant only
that U.S. tariffs imposed on Chinese goods will be no different than
tariffs imposed on other countries for similar products — period. NTR
status did not mean more U.S. taxpayers dollars sent to China. It did
not signify more international family planning dollars sent overseas.
NTR status does not mean automatic access to the World Bank, the World
Trade Organization, OPIC, or any member of other foreign aid vehicles
by which the U.S. Congress sends foreign aid to a large number of
countries. Rather, NTR status was the lowering of a United States
citizens taxes paid on voluntary exchanges entered into by citizens
who happen to reside in different countries.
2000 Ron Paul 40:3
Of course, many of
critics of NTR status for China do not address the free trade and the
necessarily negative economic consequences of their position. No one
should question that individual rights are vital to liberty and that
the communist government of China has an abysmal record in that
department. At the same time, basic human rights must necessarily
include the right to enter into voluntary exchanges with others. To
burden the U.S. citizens who enter into voluntary exchanges with
exorbitant taxes (tariffs) in the name of protecting the human rights
of citizens of other countries would be internally inconsistent. Trade
barriers when lowered, after all, benefit consumers who can purchase
goods more cheaply than previously available. Those individuals
choosing not to trade with citizens of particular foreign jurisdictions
are not threatened by lowering barriers for those who do. Oftentimes,
these critics focus instead on human rights deprivation by government
leaders in China and see trade barriers as a means to reform these
sometimes tyrannical leaders. However, according to Father Robert
Sirco, a Paulist priest who discussed this topic in the Wall Street
Journal, American missionaries in China favor NTR status and see this
as the policy most likely to bring about positive change in China.
2000 Ron Paul 40:4
But all of this
said, this
new 66 page free trade bill is not about free trade at all. It is
about empowering and enriching international trade regulators and
quasi-governmental entities on the backs of the U.S. taxpayer. Like
NAFTA before us, this bill contains provisions which continue our
country down the ugly path of internationally-engineered, managed
trade rather than that of free trade. As explained by Ph.D. economist
Murray N. Rothbard: [G]enuine free trade doesnt require a treaty (or
its deformed cousin, a trade agreement; NAFTA was called an agreement
so it can avoid the constitutional requirement of approval by
two-thirds of the Senate). If the establishment truly wants free trade,
all its has to do is to repeal our numerous tariffs, import quotas,
anti-dumping laws, and other American-imposed restrictions of free
trade. No foreign policy or foreign maneuvering is necessary.
2000 Ron Paul 40:5
In truth, the
establishments fanfare of free trade fosters the opposite of genuine
freedom of exchange. Whereas genuine free traders examine free markets
from the perspective of the consumer (each individual), the
merchantilist examines trade from the perspective of the power elite;
in other words, from the perspective of the big business in concert
with big government. Genuine free traders consider exports a means of
paying for imports, in the same way that goods in general are produced
in order to be sold to consumers. But the mercantilists want to
privilege the government business elite at the expense of all
consumers, be they domestic or foreign. This new PNTR bill, rather than
lowering government imposed barriers to trade, has become a legislative
vehicle under which the United States can more quickly integrate and
cartelize government in order to entrench the interventionist mixed
2000 Ron Paul 40:6
No Mr. Speaker and
colleagues, dont be fooled into thinking this bill is anything about
free trade. In fact, those supporting it should be disgraced to learn
that, among other misgivings, this bill, further undermines U.S.
sovereignty by empowering the World Trade Organization on the backs of
American taxpayers, sends federal employees to Beijing to become
lobbyists to members of their communist government to become more
WTO-friendly, funds the imposition of the questionable Universal
Declaration of Human Rights upon foreign governments, and authorizes
the spending of nearly $100 million to expand the reach of Radio Free
2000 Ron Paul 40:7
Mr. Speaker, I say
no to this
taxpayer-financed fanfare of free trade which fosters the opposite of
genuine freedom of exchange and urge by colleagues to do the same.
This chapter appeared in Ron Pauls Congressional website at http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2000/cr052400.htm