The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentleman
from Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recognized
for 5 minutes.
2000 Ron Paul 12:1
Mr. Speaker, I rise today
to announce my introduction of and request
cosponsors for a privileged resolution
to withdraw the United States
from the World Trade Organization.
2000 Ron Paul 12:2
Last week, the Wall Street Journal
reported that the United States was
dealt a defeat in a tax dispute with the
European Union by an unelected board
of international bureaucrats. It seems
that, according to the WTO, $2.2 billion
of United States tax reductions for
American businesses violates WTOs
rules and must be eliminated by October
1 of this year.
2000 Ron Paul 12:3
Much could be said about the WTOs
mistaken Orwellian notion that allowing
citizens to retain the fruits of their
own labor constitutes subsidies and
corporate welfare. However, we need
not even reach the substance of this
particular dispute prior to asking, by
what authority does the World Trade
Organization assume jurisdiction over
the United States Federal tax policy?
That is the question.
2000 Ron Paul 12:4
At last reading, the Constitution required
that all appropriation bills
originate in the House, and specified
that only Congress has the power to
lay and collect taxes. Taxation without
representation was a predominant reason
for Americas fight for independence
during the American Revolution.
Yet, now we face an unconstitutional
delegation of taxing authority to an
unelected body of international bureaucrats.
2000 Ron Paul 12:5
Let me assure Members that this Nation
does not need yet another bureaucratic
hurdle to tax reduction. Article
1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution
reserves to Congress alone
the authority for regulating foreign
commerce. According to Article II, section
2, it reserves to the Senate the
sole power to ratify agreements, namely,
treaties, between the United States
government and other governments.
2000 Ron Paul 12:6
We all saw the recent demonstrations
at the World Trade Organization meetings
in Seattle. Although many of
those folks who were protesting were
indeed rallying against what they see
as evils of free trade and capitalist
markets, the real problem when it
comes to the World Trade Organization
is not free trade. The World Trade Organization
is the furthest thing from
free trade.
2000 Ron Paul 12:7
Instead, it is an egregious attack
upon our national sovereignty, and this
is the reason why we must vigorously
oppose it. No Nation can maintain its
sovereignty if it surrenders its authority
to an international collective.
Since sovereignty is linked so closely
to freedom, our very notion of American
liberty is at stake in this issue.
2000 Ron Paul 12:8
Let us face it, free trade means trade
without interference from governmental
or quasi-governmental agencies.
The World Trade Organization is a
quasi-governmental agency, and hence,
it is not accurate to describe it as a vehicle
of free trade. Let us call a spade
a spade: the World Trade Organization
is nothing other than a vehicle for
managed trade whereby the politically
connected get the benefits of exercising
their position as a preferred group; preferred,
that is, by the Washington and
international political and bureaucratic
2000 Ron Paul 12:9
As a representative of the people of
the 14th District of Texas and a Member
of the United States Congress
sworn to uphold the Constitution of
this country, it is not my business to
tell other countries whether or not
they should be in the World Trade Organization.
They can toss their own
sovereignty out the window if they
choose. I cannot tell China or Britain
or anybody else that they should or
should not join the World Trade Organization.
That is not my constitutional
2000 Ron Paul 12:10
I can, however, say that the United
States of America ought to withdraw
its membership and funding from the
WTO immediately.
2000 Ron Paul 12:11
We need to better explain that the
Founding Fathers believed that tariffs
were meant to raise revenues, not to
erect trade barriers. American colonists
even before the war for independence
understood the difference.
2000 Ron Paul 12:12
When our Founding Fathers drafted
the Constitution, they placed the treaty-making
authority with the President
and the Senate, but the authority
to regulate commerce with the House.
The effects of this are obvious. The
Founders left us with a system that
made no room for agreements regarding
international trade; hence, our Nation
was to be governed not by protection,
but rather, by market principles.
Trade barriers were not to be erected,
2000 Ron Paul 12:13
A revenue tariff was to be a major
contributor to the U.S. Treasury, but
only to fund the limited and constitutionally
authorized responsibilities of
the Federal government. Thus, the tariff
would be low.
2000 Ron Paul 12:14
The colonists and Founders clearly
recognized that these are tariffs or
taxes on American consumers, they are
not truly taxes on foreign corporations.
This realization was made obvious
by the British governments regulation
of trade with the colonies, but it
is a realization that has apparently
been lost by todays protectionists.
2000 Ron Paul 12:15
Simply, protectionists seem to fail
even to realize that raising the tariff is
a tax hike on the American people.