(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
1999 Ron Paul 90:1 Mr. PAUL.
Madam Speaker, later
today we will be dealing with the VA
HUD bill; and I want to compliment
the Committee on Appropriations for
deleting the $24.5 million for the selective
service system. There will be an
attempt to put that money back into
the bill. I think that is a serious mistake.
1999 Ron Paul 90:2 The military has not asked for the
selective service to continue. We do
not need it. It is a serious abuse of civil
liberties of all 18- and 19-year-old to
continue this registration. The registration
is totally unnecessary. This
$24.5 million could be better spent on
veterans affairs or some other worthy
cause, but to put the money back in is
a serious mistake.
1999 Ron Paul 90:3 I would like to remind my conservative
colleagues that Ronald Reagan
had a very strong position on the draft
and selective service. He agreed that it
was a totalitarian notion to conscript
young people and strongly spoke out
against the draft whenever he had the
1999 Ron Paul 90:4 I also would like to remind my conservative
colleagues that if somebody
came to the House floor and asked that
we register all the guns of America,
there would be a hue and cry about
why this would be unconstitutional
and unfair, and yet they are quite willing
to register their 18- and 19-year-olds.
I do not understand why there is
less respect given for 18- and 19-year-olds
than they give for their own guns.
1999 Ron Paul 90:5 I strongly urge that we not fund the
selective service system today.
1999 Ron Paul 90:1
selective service system probably should be capitalized:
Selective Service System.
1999 Ron Paul 90:2
all 18- and 19-year-old probably should be plural: all 18- and 19-year-olds.
1999 Ron Paul 90:5
selective service system probably should be capitalized:
Selective Service System.