Ron Paul
1999 Ron Paul Chapter 85

Fungible Birth Control Funds

Home Page   Contents   Congressional Record (Page H6835)  Cached

2 August 1999

1999 Ron Paul 85:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

1999 Ron Paul 85:2
Mr. Chairman, the gentlewoman makes the point that we should not use the abortion issue to talk about fungibility and I believe that she is correct. I think it should apply to everything.

1999 Ron Paul 85:3
This is the reason I do strongly oppose Export-Import Bank money going to Red China. Their violations of civil liberties and abortions are good reasons why we should not do it, and yet they are the greatest recipient of our foreign aid from the Exim Bank. $5.9 billion they have received over the years.

1999 Ron Paul 85:4
So I would say, yes, the gentlewoman is correct. All of these programs are fungible. And I agree that the wording in the bill says that our funds cannot be used. But when we put our funds in with other funds, all of the sudden they are in a pool and they can shift them around and there is a real thing called fungibility.

1999 Ron Paul 85:5
So once we send money to a country for any reason, we endorse what they do. Therefore, we should be rather cautious. As a matter of fact, if we were cautious enough we would not be in the business of taking money at the point of a gun from our American taxpayer, doing things that they find abhorrent around the world and imposing our will and our standards on them.

1999 Ron Paul 85:6
Mr. Chairman, birth control methods are not perfectly safe. As a gynecologist, I have seen severe complications from the use of IUDs and Depo-Provera and Norplant. Women can have strokes with birth control pill. These are not benign.

1999 Ron Paul 85:7
And my colleagues say we want to stop the killing and abortions, but every time that the abortion is done with fungible funds, it is killing a human being, an innocent human being. So for very real reasons, if we were serious about stopping this and protecting the American taxpayer, there is nothing wrong with some of these goals. I agree. As a gynecologist, I would agree with the goals, but they should not be done through coercion. They should be done through voluntary means through churches and charities. That is the way it should be done.

1999 Ron Paul 85:8
Mr. Chairman, we do not have the authority to coerce our people to work hard, pay their taxes, and then take the money into foreign countries and impose our will on them.

The CHAIRMAN. All time for debate has expired.

The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Texas (Mr. PAUL).

The question was taken; and the Chairman announced that the noes appeared to have it.

1999 Ron Paul 85:9
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, I demand a recorded vote, and pending that I make the point of order that a quorum is not present.

The CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to House Resolution 263, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Texas (Mr. PAUL) will be postponed.

The point of no quorum is considered withdrawn.


1999 Ron Paul 85:3 yet they are the greatest recipient of our foreign aid from the Exim Bank. $5.9 billion probably should have a comma and not a periof after Bank and read: yet they are the greatest recipient of our foreign aid from the Exim Bank, $5.9 billion.

1999 Ron Paul 85:6 Women can have strokes with birth control pill. probably should be plural: Women can have strokes with birth control pills.

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