(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
1999 Ron Paul 64:1 Mr. PAUL.
Mr. Speaker, the American
people strongly oppose the instituting
of a national identification card.
The authority was given for a national
I.D. card in 1996. I have been working
very hard to try to repeal this authority.
1999 Ron Paul 64:2 Today, we would have had an opportunity
under the transportation bill to
repeal this authority and to prevent a
national I.D. card from coming into existence.
1999 Ron Paul 64:3 Unfortunately, that will not be permitted,
due to the rule that is coming
up for the transportation bill. I think
this is a serious mistake. It is not just
30 or 40 or 50 percent of the American
people who reject a national I.D., but
almost all Americans reject this idea. I
find it a shame that we are not able to
vote on the repeal authority.
1999 Ron Paul 64:4 It was never intended that the Social
Security number would be the universal,
national identifier. It is given
to a child at birth and one cannot even
be buried without it. So the national
I.D. card, when instituted, will be used
for everything: To get on an airplane,
to get a job, open up a bank account;
whatever we want to do, we will have
to show our papers.
1999 Ron Paul 64:5 This is un-American. It is something
that we should not be doing, and unfortunately,
we will not get to vote on it today.