(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
1999 Ron Paul 26:1 Mr. PAUL.
Madam Speaker, the
bombing in Serbia must stop immediately.
Serbia has never aggressed
against the United States. Serbia is involved
in a bloody civil war of which
we should have no part, and have not
declared war, as the Constitution requires.
That makes this war both immoral
and illegal.
1999 Ron Paul 26:2 Not only has the bombing done no
good, it has made the situation much
worse and the world more dangerous.
Serb troops are not dying; American
troops are not dying, but innocent civilians
are being killed by the hundreds
on both sides.
1999 Ron Paul 26:3 There are just too many uncanny accidents.
The refugee problem, which
was minimal before the bombing, is
now catastrophic as a result. Congress
should not fund this war and if we do,
we have become an accomplice and
morally responsible for the killing and
the spread of this conflict that will
surely occur if this bombing is not