Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the
distinguished gentleman from Texas
(Mr. PAUL).
1998 Ron Paul 83:1 Mr. PAUL.
Mr. Speaker, I thank the
gentleman for yielding me this time.
1998 Ron Paul 83:2 I rise in support of the rule. Under
the circumstances, the rule is very fair.
It offers an opportunity for our side to
vote for the Patient Protection Act as
well as a vote for the opposition. I
think that is quite fair, so I strongly
support the rule.
1998 Ron Paul 83:3 I would like to call to the attention
of my colleagues one particular part of
our bill that I think is very important
and addresses a problem I see as being
very serious.
1998 Ron Paul 83:4 In 1996, the Kennedy-Kassebaum bill
allowed for a national identifier and a
national data bank to control all our
medical records at a national level.
This is very dangerous. In a bill that is
called the Patient Protection Act, obviously
the best thing we can do is protect
patient privacy. If we do not, we
interfere with the doctor-patient relationship,
and this is a disaster.
1998 Ron Paul 83:5 This whole concept of a national
identifier — the administration is already
working to establish this — is
dangerous and we must do whatever is
possible to stop it.
1998 Ron Paul 83:6 I compliment the authors of this bill
to prohibit this national medical data
1998 Ron Paul 83:1
Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding me this time.
here, Ron Paul thanks The Honorable Porter J. Goss of Florida.