The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentleman
from Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recognized
for 5 minutes.
2007 Ron Paul 34:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, the scandal at Walter Reed is not an isolated incident.
It is directly related to our foreign
policy of interventionism. There
is a pressing need to reassess our now
widely accepted role as the worlds lone
superpower. If we dont, we are destined
to reduce our Nation to something
far less powerful.
2007 Ron Paul 34:2
It has always been politically popular for politicians to promise they will
keep us out of foreign wars. Likewise,
it has been popular to advocate ending
prolonged and painful conflicts, like
the war in Korea and Vietnam, and now
2007 Ron Paul 34:3
As recent as the campaign of 2000, it was quite popular to condemn nation
building and reject the policy of policing
the world in the wake of our involvement
in Kosovo and Somalia. We
were even promised a more humble foreign
2007 Ron Paul 34:4
Nobody wins elections by promising to take us to war. But, once elected,
many politicians greatly exaggerate
the threat posed by a potential enemy,
and the people too often carelessly accept
the dubious reasons given to justify
2007 Ron Paul 34:5
Opposition arises only when the true costs are felt here at home.
2007 Ron Paul 34:6
A foreign policy of interventionism costs so much money that were forced
to close military bases in the United
States even as were building them
overseas. Interventionism is never good
fiscal policy. Interventionism symbolizes
an attitude of looking outward, toward
empire, while diminishing the importance
of maintaining a constitutional
2007 Ron Paul 34:7
We close bases here at home — some want to close Walter Reed — while
building bases in Arab and Muslim
countries like Saudi Arabia. We worry
about foreign borders while ignoring
our own. We build permanent outposts
in Muslim holy lands, occupy territory
and prop up puppet governments. This
motivates suicide terrorism against us.
2007 Ron Paul 34:8
Our policies naturally lead to resentment, which in turn leads to prolonged
wars and increased casualties. We
waste billions of dollars in Iraq while
bases like Walter Reed fall into disrepair.
This undermines our ability to
care for the thousands of wounded we
should have anticipated despite the
rosy predictions that we would be
greeted as liberators in Iraq.
2007 Ron Paul 34:11
Now comes the wringing of hands. I guess better late than never.
2007 Ron Paul 34:12
Clean it up. Paint the walls. Make Walter Reed look neat and tidy. But
this wont solve our problems. We must
someday look critically at the shortcomings
of our foreign policy, a policy
that needlessly and foolishly intervenes
in places where we have no business
2007 Ron Paul 34:13
Voters spoke very clearly in November: They want the war to end. Yet
Congress has taken no steps to defund
or end a war it never should have condoned
in the first place.
2007 Ron Paul 34:14
On the contrary, Congress plans to spend another $100 billion or more in
an upcoming Iraq funding bill, more
than even the administration has requested.
The 2007 military budget, $700
billion, apparently is not enough. All of
this is done under the slogan of supporting
the troops, even though our
policy guarantees more Americans will
die and Walter Reed will continue to
receive tens of thousands of casualties.
2007 Ron Paul 34:15
Every problem Congress and the administration creates requires more
money to fix. The mantra remains the
same: Spend more money even though
we dont have it; borrow from the Chinese,
or just print it. This policy of
interventionism is folly, and it cannot
continue forever. It will end, either because
we wake up or because we go
2007 Ron Paul 34:16
Interventionism always leads to unanticipated consequences and
blowback, like a weakened, demoralized
military; exploding deficits; billions
of dollars wasted; increased inflation;
less economic growth; an unstable
currency; painful stock market corrections;
political demagoguery; lingering
anger at home; and confusion about
who is to blame.
2007 Ron Paul 34:17
These elements combine to create an environment that inevitably undermines
personal liberty. Virtually all
American wars have led to diminished
civil liberties at home. Most of our
mistakes can be laid at the doorstep of
our failure to follow the Constitution.
The Constitution, if we so desire, can
provide needed guidance and a road
map to restore our liberties and change
our foreign policy. This is critical if we
truly seek peace and prosperity.