The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentleman
from Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recognized
for 5 minutes.
2007 Ron Paul 20:1
Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, I have never met anyone who did not support
our troops. Sometimes, however, we
hear accusations that someone or some
group does not support the men and
women serving in our Armed Forces.
But this is pure demagoguery, and it is
intellectually dishonest. The accusers
play on emotions to gain support for
controversial policies, implying that
those who disagree are unpatriotic. But
keeping our troops out of harms way,
especially when the war is unnecessary,
is never unpatriotic. There is no
better way to support the troops.
2007 Ron Paul 20:2
Since we now know that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and was
not threatening anyone, we must come
to terms with 3,000 American deaths
and 23,000 American casualties. It is
disconcerting that those who never believed
the justifications given for our
invasion and who, now, want the war
ended, are still accused of not supporting
the troops. This is strange, indeed.
2007 Ron Paul 20:3
Instead of questioning who has the best interest of our troops at heart, we
should be debating which policy is best
for our country. Defensive wars to preserve
our liberties, fought only with
proper congressional declarations are
legitimate. Casualties under such circumstances
still are heartbreaking, but
they are understandable. Casualties
that occur in undeclared, unnecessary
wars, however, are bewildering. Why
must so many Americans be killed or
hurt in Iraq when our security and our
liberty were never threatened?
2007 Ron Paul 20:4
Cliches about supporting the troops are designed to distract from failed
policies, policies promoted by powerful
special interests that benefit from war,
anything to steer the discussion away
from the real reasons the war in Iraq
will not end anytime soon.
2007 Ron Paul 20:5
Many now agree that we must change our policy and extricate ourselves from
the mess in Iraq. They cite a mandate
from the American people for a new direction.
This opinion is now more popular
and, thus, now more wildly held
by politicians in Washington. But there
is always a qualifier. We cant simply
stop funding the war because we must
support the troops. I find this conclusion
bizarre. It means one either believes
the support-the-troops propaganda
put out by the original promoters
of the war, or that one actually
is for the war after all, despite the public
2007 Ron Paul 20:6
In reality, support for the status quo and the Presidents troop surge in Iraq
means expanding the war to include
Syria and Iran. The naval buildup in
the region and the proxy war we just
fought to take over Somalia demonstrate
the administrations intention
to escalate our current war into something
2007 Ron Paul 20:7
There is just no legitimacy to the argument that voting against funding
the war somehow harms our troops.
Perpetuating and escalating the war
only serves those whose egos are attached
to some claimed victory in Iraq
and those with a determination to engineer
regime change in Iran.
2007 Ron Paul 20:8
Dont believe for a minute that additional congressional funding is needed
so our troops can defend themselves or
extricate themselves from the war
zone. That is nonsense. The DOD has
hundreds of billions of dollars in the
pipeline available to move troops anywhere
on Earth, including home.
2007 Ron Paul 20:9
We shouldnt forget that the administration took $600 million from the war
in Afghanistan and used it in Iraq before
any direct appropriations were
made for the invasion of Iraq. Funds
are always available to put troops in
harms way. They, likewise, are always
available for leaving a war zone.
2007 Ron Paul 20:10
Those in Congress who claim they want the war ended, yet feel compelled
to keep funding it, are badly misguided.
They either are wrong in their
assessment that cutting funds would
hurt the troops, or they need to be
more honest about supporting a policy
destined to dramatically increase the
size and the scope of this war. Rest assured,
one can be patriotic and truly
support the troops by denying funds to
perpetuate and spread this ill-advised
2007 Ron Paul 20:11
The sooner we come to this realization, the better it will be for all of us.