2006 Ron Paul 78:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, with great sadness I must rise to oppose this measure granting a
congressional gold medal to the 14th Dalai
Lama. While I greatly admire and respect His
Holiness the Dalai Lama, and fully recognize
his tremendous status both as a Buddhist
leader and international advocate for peace, I
must object to the manner in which this body
chooses to honor him.
2006 Ron Paul 78:2
I wonder if my colleagues see the irony in honoring a devout Buddhist monk with a material
gift of gold. The Buddhist tradition, of
course, eschews worldly possessions in favor
of purity of thought and action. Buddhism
urges its practitioners to alleviate the suffering
of others whenever possible. Im sure His Holiness
the Dalai Lama would rather see
$30,000 spent to help those less fortunate,
rather than for a feel-good congressional gesture.
2006 Ron Paul 78:3
We cannot forget that Congress has no authority under the Constitution to spend taxpayer
money on medals and awards, no matter
how richly deserved. And I reiterate my
offer of $100 from my own pocket to pay for
this medal — if members wish to honor the
Dalai Lama, all we need to do is pay for it ourselves.
If all 435 of us contribute, the cost will
be roughly $70 each. So while a gold medal
sounds like a great idea, it becomes a bit
strange when we see the actual cost involved.
2006 Ron Paul 78:4
If Congress truly wishes to honor the Dalai Lama, it could instead start by showing more
respect for his views in the areas of foreign
policy, war, and terrorism. The bellicosity often
demonstrated on the floor of this institution toward
entire nations and their people conflicts
sharply with the peaceful teachings of the
Dalai Lama.
2006 Ron Paul 78:6
When September 11 happened, the next day I wrote a letter to President Bush as a
friend — because I know him personally. I
wrote this letter and expressed, besides my
condolences and sadness, a countermeasure
to this tragedy: a nonviolent response because
that would have been more effective. So this
is my stance. And then just before the Iraq crisis
started, millions of people from countries
like Australia and America expressed their opposition
to violence. I really admired and appreciated
2006 Ron Paul 78:7
When the war started, some people immediately asked me if it was justified or not,
whether it was right or wrong. In principle, any
resort to violence is wrong.
2006 Ron Paul 78:8
Consider also these thoughts from the Dalai Lama regarding the terrible pointlessness of
2006 Ron Paul 78:9
We have seen that we cannot solve human problems by fighting. Problems resulting from
differences in opinion must be resolved
through the gradual process of dialogue. Undoubtedly,
wars produce victors and losers;
but only temporarily. Victory or defeat resulting
from wars cannot be long-lasting. Secondly,
our world has become so interdependent that
the defeat of one country must impact the rest
of the world, or cause all of us to suffer losses
either directly or indirectly.
2006 Ron Paul 78:10
Today, the world is so small and so interdependent that the concept of war has become
anachronistic, an outmoded approach.
As a rule, we always talk about reform and
changes. Among the old traditions, there are
many aspects that are either ill-suited to our
present reality or are counterproductive due to
their shortsightedness. These, we have consigned
to the dustbin of history. War too
should be relegated to the dustbin of history.
2006 Ron Paul 78:11
Of course, the militaristic tradition may not end easily. But, let us think of this. If there
were bloodshed, people in positions of power,
or those who are responsible, will find safe
places; they will escape the consequent hardship.
They will find safety for themselves, one
way or the other. But what about the poor
people, the defenseless people, the children,
the old and infirm. They are the ones who will
have to bear the brunt of devastation. When
weapons are fired, the result will be death and
destruction. Weapons will not discriminate between
the innocent and guilty. A missile, once
fired, will show no respect to the innocent,
poor, defenseless, or those worthy of compassion.
Therefore, the real losers will be the poor
and defenseless, ones who are completely innocent,
and those who lead a hand-to-mouth
2006 Ron Paul 78:12
Mr. Speaker, in closing let me join my colleagues in stating my tremendous respect for
His Holiness the Dalai Lama. While I cannot
agree with forcible taxation to pay for gold
medals, I certainly hope Congress takes the
teaching of His Holiness to heart and begins
to rethink our aggressive, interventionist foreign