7 september 2006
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
the Speakers announced policy of January
4, 2005, the gentleman from Texas
(Mr. PAUL) is recognized for 60 minutes.
2006 Ron Paul 74:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, politicians throughout history have tried to solve
every problem conceivable to man, always
failing to recognize that many of
the problems we face result from previous
so-called political solutions.
2006 Ron Paul 74:2
Government cannot be the answer to every human ill. Continuing to view
more government as the solution to
problems will only make matters
2006 Ron Paul 74:3
Not long ago, I spoke on this floor about why I believe Americans are so
angry in spite of rosy government economic
reports. The majority of Americans
are angry, disgusted, and frustrated
that so little is being done in
Congress to solve their problems. The
fact is, a majority of American citizens
expect the Federal Government to provide
for every need without considering
whether government causes many economic
problems in the first place. This
certainly is an incentive for politicians
to embrace the role of omnipotent
problem-solvers, since nobody asked
first whether they, the politicians
themselves, are at fault.
2006 Ron Paul 74:4
At home, I am frequently asked about my frustration with Congress
since so many reform proposals go
unheeded. I jokingly reply, No, I am
never frustrated because I have such
low expectations. But the American
people have higher expectations, and
without forthcoming solutions are beyond
frustrated with their government.
2006 Ron Paul 74:5
If solutions to American problems wont be found in the frequent clamor
for more government, it still is up to
Congress to explain how our problems
developed and how solutions can be
found in an atmosphere of liberty, private
property, and a free market order.
2006 Ron Paul 74:6
It is up to us to demand radical change from our failed policy of foreign
military interventionism. Robotic responses
to cliches of Big Government
intervention in our lives are unbecoming
to Members who are elected to
offer ideas and solutions. We must
challenge the status quo of our economic
and political system.
2006 Ron Paul 74:7
Many things have contributed to the mess we are in. Bureaucratic management
can never compete with the free
market in solving problems.
2006 Ron Paul 74:8
Central economic planning doesnt work. Just look at the failed systems
of the 20th century. Welfarism is an example
of central economic planning.
Paper money, money created out of
thin air to accommodate welfarism and
government deficits, is not only silly;
it is unconstitutional. No matter how
hard the big spenders try to convince
us otherwise, deficits do matter. But
lowering the deficit through higher
taxes wont solve anything.
2006 Ron Paul 74:9
Nothing will change in Washington until it is recognized that the ultimate
driving force behind most politicians is
obtaining and holding power, and
money from special interests drives the
political process.
2006 Ron Paul 74:10
Money and power are important only because the government wields power
not granted by the Constitution. A limited
constitutional government would
not tempt special interests to buy the
politicians who wield power. The whole
process feeds on itself. Everyone is rewarded
by ignoring constitutional restraints
while expanding and complicating
the entire bureaucratic state.
2006 Ron Paul 74:11
Even when it is recognized that we are traveling down the wrong path, the
lack of political courage and the desire
for reelection results in ongoing support
for the pork-barrel system that
serves special interests.
2006 Ron Paul 74:12
A safe middle ground, a dont-rock- the-boat attitude, too often is rewarded
in Washington, while meaningful solutions
tend to offend those who are in
charge of the gigantic PAC lobbyist
empire that calls the shots in Washington.
2006 Ron Paul 74:13
Most Members are rewarded by reelection for accommodating and knowing
how to work the system. Though
there is little difference between the
two parties, the partisan fights are
real. Instead of debates about philosophy,
though, the partisan battles are
about who will wield the gavels. True
political debates are rare. Power struggles
are real and ruthless, and yet we
all know that power corrupts.
2006 Ron Paul 74:14
Both parties agree on monetary, fiscal, foreign and entitlement policies.
Unfortunately, neither party has much
concern for civil liberties. Both parties
are split over trade, with mixed debates
between outright protections and
those who endorse government-managed
trade agreements that masquerade
as free trade.
2006 Ron Paul 74:15
It is virtually impossible to find anyone who supports hands-off free trade
defended by the moral right of all citizens
to spend their money as they see
fit without being subject to any special
2006 Ron Paul 74:16
The Big Government nanny state is based on the assumption that free markets
cannot provide the maximum good
for the largest number of people. It assumes
people are not smart or responsible
enough to take care of themselves,
and thus their needs must be
filled through the governments forcible
redistribution of wealth.
2006 Ron Paul 74:17
Our system of intervention assumes that politicians and bureaucrats have
superior knowledge and are endowed
with certain talents that produce efficiency.
These assumptions dont seem
to hold much water, of course, when we
look at agencies like FEMA. Still, we
expect the government to manage monetary
and economic policy, the medical
system and the educational system,
and then wonder why we have problems
with the cost and efficiency of all these
2006 Ron Paul 74:18
On top of this, the daily operation of Congress reflects the power of special
interests, not the will of the people, regardless
of which party is in power.
Critically important legislation comes
up for votes late in the evening without
much warning, leaving Members
little chance to read or study the bills.
Key changes are buried in conference
reports, often containing new legislation
not even mentioned in either the
House or the Senate versions.
2006 Ron Paul 74:19
Conferences were meant to compromise two different positions in the
House and Senate, not to slip in new
material that had not been mentioned
in either bill.
2006 Ron Paul 74:20
Congress spends hundreds of billions of dollars in emergency supplemental
bills to avoid the budgetary rules
meant to hold down the deficit. Wartime
spending money is appropriated
and attached to emergency relief funds,
making it difficult for politicians to resist.
The principle of the pork barrel is
alive and well, and it shows how huge
appropriations are passed easily with
supporters of the system getting their
share for their district.
2006 Ron Paul 74:21
Huge omnibus spending bills introduced at the end of legislative years
are passed without scrutiny. No one individual
knows exactly what is in the
bill. In the process, legitimate needs
and constitutional responsibilities are
frequently ignored. Respect for private
property rights is ignored. Confidence
in the free market is lost or misunderstood.
Our tradition of self-reliance is
mocked as archaic.
2006 Ron Paul 74:22
Lack of real choice in economic and personal decisions is commonplace. It
seems that too often the only choice
we are given is between prohibitions
and subsidies. Never is it said, let the
people decide on things like stem cell
research or alternative medical treatments.
2006 Ron Paul 74:23
Nearly everyone endorses exorbitant taxation. The only debate is about who
should pay. Either tax the producers
and the rich, or tax the workers and
the poor through inflation and
outsourcing jobs.
2006 Ron Paul 74:24
Both politicians and the media place blame on everything except bad policy
authored by the Congress. Scapegoats
are needed since there is so much
blame to go around and so little understanding
as to why we are in such a
2006 Ron Paul 74:25
In the 1920s and the 1930s, Europes financial system collapsed and inflation
raged. It was commonplace to blame
the Jews. Today, in America the blame
is spread out: illegal immigrants, Muslims,
big business, whether they got
special deals from the government or
not, price gouging oil companies, regardless
of the circumstances, and
labor unions. Ignorance of economics
and denial of the political power system
that prevails in the District of Columbia
makes it possible for Congress
to shift the blame.
2006 Ron Paul 74:26
Since we are not on the verge of mending our ways, the problems will
worsen and the blame game will get
much more vicious. Shortchanging a
large segment of our society surely will
breed conflict that could get out of
2006 Ron Paul 74:27
This is a good reason for us to cast aside politics as usual and start finding
some reliable answers to our problems.
Politics as usual is aided by the complicity
of the media. Economic ignorance,
bleeding heart emotionalism,
and populist passion pervade our major
networks and cable channels.
2006 Ron Paul 74:28
This is especially noticeable when the establishment seeks to unify the
people behind an illegal, unwise war.
The propaganda is well coordinated by
the media, government and military-
industrial complex. This collusion is
worse than when state-owned media do
the same thing.
2006 Ron Paul 74:29
In countries where everyone knows the media produces government propaganda,
people remain wary of what
they hear.
2006 Ron Paul 74:30
In the United States, the media are considered free and independent. Thus,
the propaganda is accepted with less
2006 Ron Paul 74:31
One of the major reasons we have drifted from the Founders vision of
liberty in the Constitution was the division
of the concept of freedom into
two parts. Instead of freedom being applied
equally to social and economic
transactions, it has come to be thought
of as two different concepts. Some in
Congress now protect economic liberty
and market choices but ignore personal
liberty and private choices. Others defend
personal liberty but concede the
realm of property and economic transaction
to government control.
2006 Ron Paul 74:32
There should be no distinction between commercial speech and political
speech with no consistent moral defense
of true liberty. The continued
erosion of personal property rights is
2006 Ron Paul 74:33
This careless disregard for liberty, our traditions and the Constitution,
have brought us disaster with a foreign
policy of military interventionism supported
by the leadership of both parties.
Hopefully, some day, this will be
radically changed.
2006 Ron Paul 74:34
Everyone is aware of the law of unintended consequences. Most Members of
Congress understand that government
actions can have unintended consequences.
Yet few quit voting for government
solutions, always hoping there
wont be any particular unintended
consequences the next time.
2006 Ron Paul 74:35
They keep hoping there will be less harmful complications from the solution
that they are currently supporting.
Free market economics teaches
us that for every government action
to solve an economic problem, two new
ones are created. The same unwanted
results occur with foreign policy meddling.
The law of opposites is just a
variation of the law of unintended consequences.
When we attempt to achieve
a certain goal, like, say, make the
world safe for democracy, a grandiose
scheme of World War I, one can be sure
the world will become less safe and less
democratic regardless of the motivation.
The First World War was sold to
the American people as the war to end
all wars.
2006 Ron Paul 74:36
Instead, history shows it was the war that caused the 20th Century to be the
most war-torn century in all of history.
Our entry into World War I
helped lead us into World War II, the
Cold War, the Korean War and the
Vietnam War. Even our current crisis
in the Middle East can be traced to the
great wars of the 20th Century.
2006 Ron Paul 74:37
Though tens of millions of deaths are associated with these wars, it seems we
havent learned a thing. We went into
Korea by direction of the United Nations,
not a Congressional declaration
of war, to unify Korea. Yet that war
ensured that Korea remained divided to
this day. Our troops are still there.
South Korea today is much more willing
to reconcile differences with North
Korea, and yet we obstruct such efforts.
It doesnt make much sense.
2006 Ron Paul 74:38
We went into Vietnam and involved ourselves unnecessarily in the civil war
to bring peace and harmony to that
country. We lost 60,000 troops and spent
hundreds of billions of dollars, yet
failed to achieve victory. Ironically,
since losing in Vietnam, we now have a
better relationship with them than
ever. We now trade, invest, travel and
communicate with a unified Western-
leaning country that is catching on
quickly to capitalist ways. This policy,
not military confrontation, is exactly
what the Constitution permits and the
Founders encouraged in our relationship
with others.
2006 Ron Paul 74:39
This policy should apply to both friends and perceived enemies. Diplomacy
and trade can accomplish goals
that military intervention cannot, and
they certainly are a lot less costly.
2006 Ron Paul 74:40
In both instances, Korea and Vietnam, neither country attacked us, and
neither country posed a threat to our
national security.
2006 Ron Paul 74:41
In neither case did we declare war. All of the fighting and killing was
based on lies, miscalculations and the
failure to abide by constitutional restraint
with regard to war.
2006 Ron Paul 74:42
When goals are couched in terms of humanitarianism, sincere or not, the
results are inevitably bad. Foreign
interventionism requires the use of
force. First, the funds needed to pursue
a particular policy required that taxes
be forcibly imposed on the American
people either directly or indirectly
through inflation. Picking sides in foreign
countries only increases the
chances of antagonism toward us.
2006 Ron Paul 74:43
Too often, foreign economic and military support means impoverishing the
poor in America and enhancing the
rich ruling classes in poor countries.
When sanctions are used against one
undesirable regime, it squelches the resistance
to the very regimes we are
trying to undermine.
2006 Ron Paul 74:44
Forty years of sanctions against Castro have left him in power and fomented
continued hatred and blame
from the Cuban people directed at us.
Trade with Cuba likely would have accomplished
the opposite, as it has in
Vietnam, China and even the Eastern
Bloc nations of the old Soviet empire.
2006 Ron Paul 74:45
We spend billions of dollars in Afghanistan and Colombia to curtail drug
production. No evidence exists that it
helps. In fact, drug production and corruption
have increased in both countries.
We close our eyes to it because
the reasons we are in Colombia and Afghanistan
are denied.
2006 Ron Paul 74:46
Obviously, we are not putting forth the full effort required to capture
Osama bin Laden. Instead, our occupation
of Afghanistan further inflames
the Muslim radicals that came of age
with their fierce resistance to the Soviet
occupation of a Muslim country.
Our occupation merely serves as a recruiting
device for al Qaeda, which has
promised retaliation for our presence
in their country.
2006 Ron Paul 74:47
We learn nothing, after first allying ourselves with Osama bin Laden when
he applied the same logic towards the
Soviets. The net result of our invasion
and occupation in Afghanistan has
been to miss capturing Osama bin
Laden, assist al Qaedas recruitment,
stimulate more drug production and
lose hundreds of American lives and
allow spending of billions of American
taxpayers dollars with no end in sight.
2006 Ron Paul 74:48
Bankruptcy seems to be the only way we will reconsider the foolishness of
this type of occupation. It is time for
us to wake up.
2006 Ron Paul 74:49
Our policy toward Iran for the past 50 years is every bit as disconcerting. It
makes no sense, however, unless one
concedes that our government is manipulated
by those who seek physical
control over the vast riches of the Middle
East and egged on by Israels desires.
We have attacked the sovereignty
of Iran on two occasions and
are in the process of threatening her
for the third time.
2006 Ron Paul 74:50
In 1953, the U.S. and British overthrew the democratically elected Mohammed
Mossadegh and installed the
Shah. His brutal regime lasted for over
25 years and ended with the Ayatollah
taking power in 1979. Our support for
the Shah incited the radicalization of
the Shiite clerics in Iran, resulting in
the hostage takeover.
2006 Ron Paul 74:51
In the 1980s, we provided weapons, including poisonous gas, to Saddam Hussein,
as we supported his invasion of
Iran. These events are not forgotten by
the Iranians, who, once again, see us
looking for another confrontation with
2006 Ron Paul 74:52
We insist that the U.N. ignore the guarantees under the Nuclear Nonproliferation
Treaty that grants countries
like Iran the right to enrich uranium.
The pressure on the U.N. and the
threats we cast toward Iran are quite
harmful to the cause of peace. They are
entirely unnecessary and serve no useful
purpose. Our policy toward Iran is
much more likely to result in her getting
a nuclear weapon than preventing
2006 Ron Paul 74:53
Our own effort at democratizing Iran has resulted, instead, in radicalizing a
population whose instincts are to like
Americans and our economic system.
Our meddling these past 50 years has
only served to alienate and unify the
entire country against us. Though our
officials only see Iran as an enemy, as
does Israel, our policies in the Middle
East these past 5 years have done wonders
to strengthen Irans political and
military position in the region. We
have totally ignored serious overtures
by the Iranians to negotiate with us
before hostilities broke out in Iraq in
2006 Ron Paul 74:54
Both immediately after 9/11 and especially at the time of our invasion in
Iraq in 2003, Iran particularly, partially
out of fear and realism, honestly
sought reconciliation and offered to
help the U.S. in its battle against al
Qaeda. They were rebuked outright.
2006 Ron Paul 74:55
Now, Iran is negotiating from a much stronger position, principally as a result
of our overall Middle East policy.
2006 Ron Paul 74:56
We accommodated Iran by severely weakening the Taliban in Afghanistan
on Irans eastern borders. On Irans
western borders, we helped Iranians by
eliminating their arch enemy, Saddam
Hussein. Our invasion in Iraq and the
resulting chaos have inadvertently delivered
up a large portion of Iraq to the
Iranians, as the majority Shiites in
Iraq ally themselves with the Iranians.
2006 Ron Paul 74:57
The U.S.-Israel plan to hit Hezbollah in Lebanon before taking on Irans
military has totally backfired. Now
Hezbollah, an ally of Iran, has been
made stronger than ever with the military
failure to route Hezbollah from
southern Lebanon.
2006 Ron Paul 74:58
Before the U.S.-Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Hezbollah was supported by
20 percent of the population. Now its
revered by 80 percent. A democratic
election in Lebanon cannot now serve
the interests of the U.S. or Israel; it
would only support the cause of radical
clerics in Iran.
2006 Ron Paul 74:59
Demanding an election in Palestinian Gaza resulted in enhancing the power
of Hamas. The U.S. and Israel promptly
rejected the results. So much for our
support for democratically elected government.
Our support for dictatorial
Arab leaders remains a thorn in the
side of the large Muslim population in
the Middle East and one of the main
reasons Osama bin Laden declared war
against us.
2006 Ron Paul 74:60
We talk of democracy and self-determination, but the masses of people in
the Middle East see through our hypocrisy
when we support the Sunni secular
dictators in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and
Jordan and, at one time, Saddam Hussein.
2006 Ron Paul 74:61
In the late 1970s and the late 1980s, the CIA spent over $4 billion on a program
called Operation Cyclone. This
was our contribution to setting up
training schools in Pakistan and elsewhere,
including the U.S. itself, to
teach sabotage skills. The purpose was
to use these individuals in fighting our
enemies in the Middle East, including
the Soviets. But as one could predict,
this effort has come back to haunt us
as our radical ally, Osama bin Laden,
turned his fury against us after routing
the Soviets.
2006 Ron Paul 74:62
It is estimated that over 12,000 fighters were trained in the camps we set up
in Afghanistan. They were taught how
to make bombs, carry out sabotage and
use guerrilla war tactics, and now we
are on the receiving end of this U.S.-financed
program, hardly a good investment.
It is difficult to understand why
our policymakers arent more cautious
in their effort to police the world once
they realize how unsuccessful we have
been. It seems they always hope that
the next time our efforts wont come
flying back in our face.
2006 Ron Paul 74:63
Our failed efforts in Iraq continue to drain our resources, costing us dearly
both in lives lost and dollars spent, and
there is no end in sight. No consideration
is given for rejecting our obsession
with a worldwide military presence
which rarely, if ever, directly enhances
our security.
2006 Ron Paul 74:64
A much stronger case can be made that our policy of protecting our worldwide
interest actually does the opposite
by making us weaker, alienating
our allies, inciting more hatred and
provoking our enemies. The more we
have interfered in the Middle East the
past 50 years, the greater the danger
has become for an attack on us.
2006 Ron Paul 74:65
The notion that Arab Muslim radicals are motivated to attack us because
of our freedoms and prosperity
and not our unwelcome presence in
their country is dangerous and silly.
2006 Ron Paul 74:66
We were told we needed to go into Iraq because our old ally, Saddam Hussein,
had weapons of mass destruction.
Yet no weapons of mass destruction
were found. We were told we needed to
occupy Iraq to remove al Qaeda, yet al
Qaeda was nowhere to be found. And
now it is admitted it had nothing to do
with 9/11.
2006 Ron Paul 74:67
Yet, today, Iraq is infested with al Qaeda, achieving exactly the opposite
of what we sought to do. We were told
that we needed to secure our oil to protect
our economy and to pay for our invasion
and occupation. Instead, the opposite
has resulted. Oil production is
down. Oil prices are up, and no oil profits
have been used to pay the bills. We
were told that a regime change in Iraq
would help us in our long-time fight
with Iran, yet everything we have done
in Iraq has served the interests of Iran.
2006 Ron Paul 74:68
We are being told in a threatening and intimidating fashion that if America
were to pull out before Iraq could
defend itself, the consequences would
be absolutely predictable and absolutely
disastrous. I am convinced,
though, that the law of opposites could
well apply here. Going into Iraq we
know produced exactly the opposite results
of what was predicted. Leaving
also likely will have results opposite of
those we are being frightened with.
Certainly leaving Vietnam at the
height of the Cold War did not result in
the disaster predicted by the advocates
of the domino theory: an inevitable
Communist takeover of the entire Far
2006 Ron Paul 74:69
We are constantly being told that we cannot abandon Iraq, and we are obligated
to stay forever if necessary. This
admonition is similar to a rallying cry
from a determined religious missionary
bent on proselytizing to the world with
a particular religious message. Conceding
that leaving may not be a panacea
for Iraqi tranquility, this assumption
ignores two things: One, our preemptive
war ignited the Iraqi civil war;
and, two, abandoning the Iraqi people
is not the question. The real question
is whether or not we should abandon
the American people by forcing them
to pay for an undeclared war with huge
economic and human costs while placing
our national security in greater
jeopardy by ignoring our borders and
serious problems here at home.
2006 Ron Paul 74:70
In our attempt to make Iraq a better place, we did great harm to the Iraqi
Christians. Before our invasion in 2003,
there were approximately 1.2 million
Christians living in Iraq. Since then,
over half have been forced to leave due
to persecution and violence. Many escaped
to Syria. With the neocons wanting
to attack Syria, how long will they
be safe there? The answer to the question,
arent we better off without Saddam
Hussein, is not an automatic
yes for Iraqi Christians.
2006 Ron Paul 74:71
We have been told for decades that our policy of militarism and preemption
in the Middle East is designed to
provide security for Israel. Yet a
strong case can be made that Israel is
more vulnerable now than ever with
moderate Muslims being challenged by
a growing majority of Islamic radicals.
As the invincibility of the American
and Israeli military becomes common
knowledge, Israels security is diminished,
and world opinion turns against
her, especially after the failed efforts
to remove Hezbollah from southern
2006 Ron Paul 74:72
We were told that attacking and eliminating Hezbollah was required to
diminish the Iranian threat against
Israel. The results again were the opposite.
This failed effort has only
emboldened Iran. The lack of success of
conventional warfare, the U.S. in Vietnam,
the Soviets in Afghanistan, the
U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan, Israel in
Lebanon, should awaken our policymakers
to our failure in war and diplomacy.
Yet all we propose are bigger
bombs and more military force for occupation
rather than working to understand
an entirely new generation of
modern warfare.
2006 Ron Paul 74:73
Many reasons are given for our preemptive wars and military approach
for spreading the American message of
freedom and prosperity, which is an obvious
impossibility. Our vital interests
are always cited for justification, and
it is inferred that those who do not
support our militancy are unpatriotic.
Yet the opposite is actually the case:
Wise resistance to ones own government
doing bad things requires a love
of country, devotion to idealism and
respect for the rule of law.
2006 Ron Paul 74:74
In attempting to build an artificial and unwelcome Iraqi military, the
harder we try, the more money we
spend and the more lives we lose, the
stronger the real armies of Iraq become:
The Sunni insurgency, the Badr
Brigade, the Sadr Mahdi Army and the
Kurdish Militia.
2006 Ron Paul 74:75
The Kurds have already taken a bold step in this direction by hoisting a
Kurdish flag and removing the Iraqi
flag, a virtual declaration of independence.
Natural local forces are winning
out over outside political forces.
2006 Ron Paul 74:76
We are looking in all of the wrong places for an Iraqi army to bring stability
to that country. The people have
spoken, and these troops that represent
large segments of the population need
no training. It is not a lack of training,
weapons or money that hinders our efforts
to create a new superior Iraqi
military. It is the lack of inspiration
and support for such an endeavor that
is missing. Developing borders and separating
the various factions, which our
policy explicitly prohibits, is the basic
flaw in our plan for a forced, unified
Western-style democracy for Iraq. Allowing
self-determination for different
regions is the only way to erase the artificial
nature of Iraq, an Iraq designed
by Western outsiders nearly 80 years
ago. It is our obsession with control of
the oil in the region and imposing our
will on the Middle East and accommodating
the demands of Israel that is the
problem. And the American people are
finally getting sick and tired of all of
their sacrifices. It is time to stop the
2006 Ron Paul 74:77
Instead we continue to hear the constant agitation for us to confront the
Iranians with military action. Reasons
to attack Iran make no more sense
than our foolish preemptive war
against Iraq. Fictitious charges and
imaginary dangers are used to frighten
the American people into accepting an
attack on Iran. First it may only be
sanctions, but later it will be bombs
and possible ground troops if the
neocons have their way. Many of the
chicken-hawk neoconservative advisors
to the administration are highly critical
of our current policy because it is
not aggressive enough. They want
more troops in Iraq. They want to attack
Syria and Iran and escalate the
conflict in Lebanon.
2006 Ron Paul 74:78
We have a troop shortage. Morale is low, and our military equipment is in
bad shape, yet the neocons would not
hesitate to spend, borrow, inflate and
reinstate the draft to continue their
grandiose schemes in remaking the entire
Middle East. Obviously, a victory
of this sort is not available no matter
what effort is made or how much
money is spent.
2006 Ron Paul 74:79
Logic would tell us there is no way we will contemplate taking on Iran at
this time, but logic did not prevail
with our Iraq policy and look at the
mess we have there. Besides, both
sides, the neoconservative extremists
and the radical Islamists, are driven by
religious fervor. Both are convinced
that God is on their side, a strange assumption
since theologically it is the
same God.
2006 Ron Paul 74:80
Both sides of the war in the Middle East are driven by religious beliefs of
omnipotence. Both sides endorse an eschatological
theory regarding the
forthcoming end of time. Both anticipate
the return of God personified and
as promised to each. Both sides are
driven by a conviction of perfect
knowledge regarding the Creator, and
though we supposedly worship the
same God, each sees the other side as
completely wrong and blasphemous.
The religiously driven Middle East war
condemns tolerance of the others view.
Advocates of restraint and the use of
diplomacy are ridiculed as appeasers
and equivalent to supporting Nazism
and considered un-American and un-
2006 Ron Paul 74:81
I find it amazing that we in this country seem determined to completely
separate religious expression
and the state, even to the detriment of
the first amendment, yet we can say
little about how Christian and Jewish
religious beliefs greatly influence our
policies in the Middle East? It should
be the other way around. Religious expression,
according to the First
Amendment, cannot be regulated anywhere
by Congress or the Federal
courts. But deeply held theological beliefs
should never dictate our foreign
policy. Being falsely accused of anti-
Semitism and being a supporter of radical
fascism is not an enviable position
for any politician. Most realize it is
best to be quiet and support our Middle
East involvement.
2006 Ron Paul 74:82
Believing one can have perfect knowledge of Gods will and believing
government can manage our lives and
world affairs have caused a great deal
of problems for man over the ages.
When these two elements are combined,
they become especially dangerous.
Liberty, by contrast, removes
power from government and allows
total freedom of choice in pursuing
ones religious beliefs. The only solution
to controlling political violence is
to prohibit the use of force to pursue
religious goals and reject government
authority to mold the behavior of individuals.
2006 Ron Paul 74:83
Both sides in the Middle East are enamored with the so-called benefit that
chaos offers to those promoting revolutionary
changes. Both sides in situations
like this always underestimate
the determination of the opposition
and ignore the law of unintended consequences.
They never consider that
these policies might backfire.
2006 Ron Paul 74:84
Declaring war against Islamic fascism or terrorism is vague and meaningless.
The enemy that we are fighting
at the expense of our own liberties
is purposely indefinable. Therefore the
government will exercise wartime powers
indefinitely. We have been fully
warned to expect a long, long war.
2006 Ron Paul 74:85
The Islamic fascists are almost impossible to identify and cannot be targeted
by our conventional weapons.
Those who threaten us essentially are
unarmed and stateless. Comparing
them to Nazi Germany, a huge military
power, is ridiculous. Labeling them as
a unified force is a mistake. It is critical
that we figure out why a growing
number of Muslims are radicalized to
the point of committing suicide terrorism
against us. Our presence in
their countries represents a failed policy
that makes us less safe, not more.
2006 Ron Paul 74:86
These guerilla warriors do not threaten us with tanks, gunboats, missiles
or nuclear weapons, nor do they
have a history of aggression against
the United States. Our enemies credibility
depends instead on the popular
goal of ending our occupation of their
2006 Ron Paul 74:87
We must not forget that the 9/11 terrorists came principally from Saudi
Arabia, not Iraq, Iran, Lebanon or
Syria. Iran has never in modern times
invaded her neighbors, yet we worry
obsessively that she may develop a nuclear
weapon some day. Never mind
that a radicalized Pakistan has nuclear
weapons and our so-called friend
Musharraf wont lift a finger against
bin Laden who most likely is hiding in
Pakistan. Our only defense against this
emerging nuclear threat has been to
use and threaten to use weapons that
do not meet the needs of this new and
different enemy.
2006 Ron Paul 74:88
Since resistance against the Iraq war is building here at home, hopefully it
will not be too long before we abandon
our grandiose scheme to rule the entire
Middle East through intimidation and
military confrontation.
2006 Ron Paul 74:89
But economic law eventually will prevail. Runaway military and entitlement
spending cannot be sustained. We
can tax the private economy only so
much, and borrowing from foreigners is
limited by the total foreign debt and
our current account deficit. It will be
difficult to continue this spending
spree without significantly higher interest
rates and further devaluation of
the dollar. This all spells more trouble
for our economy and certainly higher
inflation. Our industry base is shattered,
and our borders remain open to
those who exploit our reeling entitlement
2006 Ron Paul 74:90
Economic realities will prevail regardless of the enthusiasm by most
Members of Congress for a continued
expansion of the welfare state and support
for our dangerously aggressive foreign
policy. The welfare/warfare state
will come to an end when the dollar
fails and the wealth simply runs out.
2006 Ron Paul 74:91
The overriding goal should then be to rescue our constitutional liberties
which have been steadily eroded by
those who claim that sacrificing liberties
is required and legitimate in
times of war, even the undeclared and
vague war that we are currently fighting.
2006 Ron Paul 74:92
A real solution to our problems will require a better understanding of and a
greater dedication to free markets and
private property rights. It cant be
done without restoring a sound asset-
backed currency. If we hope to restore
any measure of constitutional government,
we must abandon the policy of
policing the world and keeping troops
in the four corners of the earth. Our
liberties and our prosperity depend on