The CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to clause
6 of rule XVIII, further proceedings on
the amendment offered by the gentleman
from Texas (Mr. PAUL) will be
The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. The
Clerk will designate the amendment.
The text of the amendment is as follows:
Amendment No. 7 offered by Mr. PAUL:
Page 108, after line 22, insert the following:
SEC. 801. None of the funds appropriated in
this Act may be used for any United States
contribution for United Nations peacekeeping
The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. Pursuant
to the order of the House today,
the gentleman from Texas (Mr. PAUL)
and a Member opposed each will control
10 minutes.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Chairman, I claim
the time in opposition.
The CHAIRMAN pro tempore. The
gentleman from Virginia (Mr. WOLF)
will control 10 minutes in opposition.
The Chair recognizes the gentleman
from Texas (Mr. PAUL).
(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to revise and extend his remarks.)
2001 Ron Paul 57:3
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, I yield myself
such time as I may consume.
2001 Ron Paul 57:4
Mr. Chairman, quite possibly we will
not have to take a long time on this. In
many ways this is a similar amendment,
but different with respect to as
how the money would be spent after we
send it to the United Nations.
The amendment says, None of the
funds appropriated in this Act may be
used for any United States contribution
for the United Nations peacekeeping
2001 Ron Paul 57:5
This is getting more specifically into
the militarization of the United Nations
and the unfairness of our bill that
we get sent every year. We pay 31.7 percent
of the peacekeeping missions. A
lot of times we pay up front and pay in
advance, and we do not get reimbursed.
Then we hear a lot of complaints when
we do not pay our dues.
2001 Ron Paul 57:6
But back to what I said earlier, I just
think the approach of using a United
Nations standing army, which is what
we are getting closer to, to go around
and police the world in areas that we
do not have justification based only on
our national security, I see this money
as being dangerously used and it invites
trouble for us.
2001 Ron Paul 57:7
It is not beyond comprehension that
one day in the not-too-distant future
that we may be in a much hotter war
in the Yugoslovia area. Things are not
very peaceful in Macedonia, and they
are actually demonstrating against
Americans in Macedonia. The same
people that we supported in Kosovo,
the KLA, now they have changed their
name and they are the radical Albanians
playing havoc in Macedonia. And
it is with our money.
2001 Ron Paul 57:8
And what do we do? We ask the
American people to cough up. We tax
them. We go over, and for 78 days, with
the claim that we are bringing peace to
the area, for 78 days we bombed that
area, and now we are asking the American
people to rebuild it. So first we
tax them to bomb and destroy then we
insist we rebuild the area.
2001 Ron Paul 57:9
We did not bring peace by 78 days of
bombing. As matter of fact, most of the
death and destruction and hostility toward
America was developed during
those 78 days. It did not occur prior to
that. There were few deaths in comparison.
And who were the people
killed with our bombs dropping from
30,000 feet? Were they military people?
No. Innocent people, as they are in Iraq
as well.
2001 Ron Paul 57:10
It is out of control. It is out of our
hands. We have lost control of our destiny
when it comes to military operations.
We now go to war under U.N.
resolutions, rather than this Congress
declaring war and fighting wars to win.
2001 Ron Paul 57:11
We have given up a tremendous
amount, and I believe it is time we
stood up for the American people and
the American taxpayer and say we
ought to defend America, but we can
deal with the problems of the world in
a much different manner; not by militarizing
and controlling it the best we
can, the military operations of the
United Nations, but pursuing the
spreading of our values and our beliefs
and the free market in a much different
manner than by further taxation
of the American people.
2001 Ron Paul 57:13
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, I yield myself
such time as I may consume.
2001 Ron Paul 57:14
Let me just close by saying that I
urge a yes vote to stop the funding
for the peacekeeping missions of the
United Nations, believing very sincerely
that they do not do much good
and they do harm and potentially a
great deal of harm in the future. They
do not serve our national self-interests.
We have the United Nations now involved
in the Middle East, Sierra
Leone, East Timor, Cambodia, West
Sahara, and Yugoslavia. It requires a
lot of money. The most likely thing to
come of all of this will be more hostility
toward America and more likelihood
that we will be attacked by terrorists.