2005 Ron Paul Chapter 92
Not linked on Ron Pauls Congressional website.
Congressional Record [.PDF]
Congress, Not The President, Should Regulate Foreign Commerce
27 July 2005
Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2
minutes to the gentleman from Texas
(Mr. PAUL).
2005 Ron Paul 92:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding me this time.
I rise in strong opposition to this legislation.
As many Members know, I frequently
vote no in this House because
I have a very strict rule. The rule is I
look to Article I, section 8 for authority.
Article I, section 8 gives very precise
items that we have authority over.
One is foreign commerce. We, the Congress
alone, have authority over regulating
foreign commerce.
2005 Ron Paul 92:2
This bill is a violation of that provision in the Constitution. We as a Congress
have done something over the
past several years that is unconstitutional
in transferring this power first
to the President and then to an international
bureaucratic agency. This is
wrong. It is not practical. It is not beneficial,
it is unconstitutional, and it is
a threat to our national sovereignty.
2005 Ron Paul 92:3
Members say it is not a threat to our national sovereignty and that we can
veto what they tell us to do; but it does
not happen that way. If we were interested
in free trade, as the pretense is,
you could initiate free trade in one
small paragraph. This bill is over 1,000
pages, and it is merely a pretext for
free trade.
2005 Ron Paul 92:4
At the same time we talk about free trade, we badger China, and that is not
free trade. I believe in free trade, but
this is not free trade. This is regulated,
managed trade for the benefit of special
interests. That is why I oppose it.
2005 Ron Paul 92:5
There is one specific provision in this bill that bothers me a lot, and that has
to do with the Codex Alimentarius.
These are rules and regulations written
by the WTO, accepted by the European
community, and it is specifically mentioned
in this bill in chapter 6, paragraph
number 6, and it talks about a
forum where you can come and complain
about regulation on vitamins and
nutritional products.
2005 Ron Paul 92:6
If Members are interested in freedom to buy vitamins without going to a
doctor for a prescription, you have to
vote against this bill. If you want
international harmonization of nutrition
and vitamins, you can vote for
this bill, but I am opposed to that, and
most Americans are as well. Vote no on
this legislation.
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