2005 Ron Paul Chapter 73
Not linked on Ron Pauls Congressional website.
Congressional Record [.PDF]
Mandatory Mental health Screening
24 June 2005
2005 Ron Paul 73:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, I yield myself the balance of my time.
2005 Ron Paul 73:2
Mr. Chairman, as a physician, having practiced medicine for well over 30
years, let me tell Members, there is a
crisis in this country. There is a crisis
with illegal drugs, but there is a crisis
in this country with an overuse of all
drugs, especially in the area of psychiatry.
2005 Ron Paul 73:3
Psychiatrists, if they are honest with you, will tell you that diagnoses are
very subjective. It is not like diagnosing
appendicitis. It is very, very
subjective. If you push on this type of
testing, the more testing you have, let
me guarantee it, the more drugs you
will have. Sure, there are mental diseases.
I am not excluding any of this
when a person has true mental illness,
but I am talking about the overuse of
Ritalin and Prozac and many of these
drugs that are pushed on these kids.
2005 Ron Paul 73:4
Let me tell Members, there have been some real problems with families
who will not let their kids go on drugs
because the schools pressure them to.
They have been charged with child
abuse, and threatened with taking
their children away because they will
not be put on these drugs. That is the
kind of abuse I am calling to Members
attention, and that is why you need to
vote for this amendment. It does not
change anything. It does not deny anybody
testing and treatment. All it does
is say universal testing of everybody of
all ages in this country is not the direction
that we want to go. Please vote
for my amendment.
The CHAIRMAN. All time for debate
on this amendment has expired.
The question is on the amendment
offered by the gentleman from Texas
(Mr. PAUL).
The question was taken; and the
Chairman announced that the noes appeared
to have it.
2005 Ron Paul 73:5
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, I demand a recorded vote.
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