2000 Ron Paul Chapter 95
This Statement appeared in Ron Pauls Congressional website at
http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2000/cr111500.htm when he was in Congress. Apparently he intended for it to be printed in the Extensions of remarks section of the Congressional Record, but it apparently never was entered there. The Wayback Machine has a copy at this link, with a copy here Cached.
November 15, 2000
Statement of
2000 Ron Paul 95:14
Our many failures in the last fifty years should prompt us to reassess our
entire foreign policy of interventionism. The notion that since we are
the only superpower left we have an obligation to tell everybody else
how to live should come an end. Our failure in Korea, Vietnam, Somalia,
and the Middle East, and our failure yet come to in Bosnia and Kosovo
should alert all Americans to this great danger. But no, we instead
continue to expand our intervention by further involving ourselves in
yet another sovereign nation. This time its Columbia. By sending more
weapons into the region we continue to stir up this 30-year civil
conflict. And just recently this conflict has spilled over into
Venezuela, a major force in South America due to its oil reserves. The
Foreign Minister of Venezuela, angered by U.S. actions, recently warned
that any ship or boat which enters the Gulf of Venezuela, of whatever
nationality it may be, will be expelled. Our intervention in many of
these regions, and especially in South America, has been done in the
name of the drug war. But the truth is its serving the interests of
the companies who own the oil rights in this region, as well as those
who produce the weapons that get sent into these regions.
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