The Book of Ron Paul
1998 Ron Paul Chapter 55

Can’t Vote For Amendment

4 June 1998

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Congressional Record (Page H4074)   Cached

Mrs. MYRICK. Yes, Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. PAUL).
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Texas is recognized for 3 minutes.

1998 Ron Paul 55:1
Mr. PAUL. I thank the gentlelady for yielding. I ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks.

1998 Ron Paul 55:2
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection.

1998 Ron Paul 55:3
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this rule. Today we are having a debate on a very serious problem that does deserve our attention. We can do this by supporting this rule.

1998 Ron Paul 55:4
I am in entire agreement with the authors of this amendment in their concern for the systematic attack on religious expression throughout the country. There is no doubt hostility exists, especially against conservative religious expression. It is pervasive and routinely expressed in our courts.

1998 Ron Paul 55:5
And those who attack religious values are, unfortunately, not doing it in the defense of constitutional liberty. Secular humanism, although equivalent to a religion, is passed off as being neutral with respect to spiritual beliefs, and yet too often used to fill the void by forced exclusion of other beliefs.

1998 Ron Paul 55:6
This is indeed a problem deserving our close attention, but the approach through this constitutional amendment is not the solution. I was a cosponsor of the original version of the amendment, but after serious reconsideration, especially after the original version was changed, I now am unable to vote for it.

1998 Ron Paul 55:7
The basic problem is that our courts are filled with judges that have no understanding or concern for the constitutional principles of original intent, the Doctrine of Enumerated Powers, or property rights. As long as that exists, any new amendment to the Constitution will be likewise abused.

1998 Ron Paul 55:8
And this amendment opens the door for further abuse. Most of those who support this amendment concede that, quoting the authors of the amendment,
“Because government is today found everywhere, this growth of government has dictated a shrinking of religion.” This is true, so the solution should be to shrink the government, not to further involve the Federal Government on how States and school districts use their property.

1998 Ron Paul 55:9
This amendment further enables the Federal Government to do more mischief. The only solution is to shrink the government and raise a new generation of judges and Congressmen who understand the constitutional principles of original intent, the Doctrine of Enumerated Powers, and property rights. If we do this, the First Amendment, freedom of religious expression, will be protected.

1998 Ron Paul 55:10
Another recourse, less complicated than amending the Constitution, is for Congress to use its constitutional authority to remove jurisdiction from the courts in the areas where the courts have been the most abusive of free expression. Unfortunately, this amendment encourages a government solution to the problems by allowing the Federal Government and Federal courts to instruct States and local school districts on the use of their property. This is in direct contrast to the original purpose of the Constitution, to protect against a strong central government and in support of State and local government.

1998 Ron Paul 55:11
Until our judges and even our Congress has a better understanding of the current Constitution and a willingness to follow it, new constitutional amendments will do little to help and will more likely make things worse.

1998 Ron Paul 55:12
And I yield my time back to the gentlelady.


1998 Ron Paul 55:1
I thank the gentlewoman for yielding me the time, Mr. Speaker. Here, Ron Paul thanks The Honorable Sue Wilkins Myrick of North Carolina.

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