The Book of Ron Paul
1998 Ron Paul Chapter 36

Follow The Constitution — Don’t Raise Taxes

22 April 1998

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Congressional Record (Page H2154)   Cached

Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I want to yield to another gentleman from Texas, Dr. PAUL. I’m going to ask him to try to do it in 2 minutes, and I may yield additional time if he needs it. 2 minutes.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Gentleman is recognized for 2 minutes.

1998 Ron Paul 36:1
Mr. PAUL. Ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks.

1998 Ron Paul 36:2
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection.

1998 Ron Paul 36:3
Mr. PAUL. I thank the gentleman for yielding, and I thank the gentleman from Texas [Mr. BARTON] for bringing this very important issue to the floor.

1998 Ron Paul 36:4
I would also like to compliment the gentlemen and ladies on the other side who have spoken out against this resolution, because I have to compliment you. You are brave to be able to come up here and speak your beliefs and really come out on the position of for taxes. If I did something like that, I could not return to Texas. But I have to admire you for your willingness to come here and take a pro-tax position, so I think that is to be commendable.

1998 Ron Paul 36:5
I really only have 2 minutes and I really can’t do that right now. I would like to suggest to our side that if we all in the Congress did a better job in following the Constitution, we wouldn’t need this amendment. Because if we took our oath of office seriously, if we followed the Doctrine of Enumerated Powers, if we knew the original intent of the Constitution, this government and this Congress would be very small and, therefore, we would not have to be worrying.

1998 Ron Paul 36:6
And the other contention that we have and we have to think about is if we do not already follow the Constitution in so many ways, why are we going to follow it next time? Nevertheless, this is a great debate. I’m glad I’m a cosponsor. I’m glad it was brought to the floor.

1998 Ron Paul 36:7
We do have to remember there’s another half to taxation and that’s the spending half. It is politically unpopular to talk about spending. It is politically very popular to talk about the taxes. So, yes, we’re for lower taxes, but we also have to realize that government is too big. They’re consuming 50 percent of our revenues and our income today, and that is the problem.

1998 Ron Paul 36:8
Government can pay for these bills in three different ways. One, they can tax us. One, they can borrow. And one, they can have the tax of inflation, which is indeed a tax. We’re dealing here only with one single tax. But eventually, when we make a sincere effort to get this government under control, we will look at all three areas.

1998 Ron Paul 36:9
We will limit the borrowing power. We will limit the ability of this Congress to inflate the currency to pay the bills. And we certainly will follow the rules of this House and this Constitution and not raise taxes. Thank you.

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