The Book of Ron Paul
1998 Ron Paul Chapter 3

America Should Move Cautiously Regarding Iraq

4 February 1998

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The SPEAKER pro tempore. For what purpose does the gentleman from Texas rise?

1998 Ron Paul 3:1
Mr. PAUL. Unanimous consent to address the House for 1 minute.

1998 Ron Paul 3:2
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection.

1998 Ron Paul 3:3
Mr. PAUL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, the Saudis this past week expressed a sincere concern about an anti-American backlash if we start bombing Baghdad. We should not ignore the feelings of the Saudis. If a neighbor can oppose this bombing, we should be very cautious.

1998 Ron Paul 3:4
In the next week or two, we may have a resolution coming to this floor endorsing the bombing and, in essence, allow for a declaration of war. Saddam Hussein does not pose any threat to our national security. We should be going very cautiously. Bombing might cause some accident regarding biological warfare. It may cause an irrational act by Saddam Hussein with one of his neighbors. It’s bound to kill innocent lives, innocent civilians in Iraq. It could kill many American flyers as well. It costs a lot of money.

1998 Ron Paul 3:5
And even if we do kill Hussein, what do we do? We create a vacuum, a vacuum that may be filled by Iran. It may be filled by some other Islamic group of fundamentalists.

1998 Ron Paul 3:6
There is no real benefit to pursuing this. Even our own military has said this is like putting on a show. It is political, not a military operation.

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