The Book of Ron Paul
1998 Ron Paul Chapter 29

Unfortunate Passage Of Foreign Affairs Conference Report

27 March 1998

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The SPEAKER pro tempore. For what purpose does the gentleman from Texas rise?

1998 Ron Paul 29:1
Mr. PAUL. To address the House for 1 minute.

1998 Ron Paul 29:2
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection.

1998 Ron Paul 29:3
Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, yesterday the foreign affairs conference report was unfortunately passed without a recorded vote. For weeks, arms had been twisted because the votes were not available to pass it. This surprised some and pleased many who preferred not to be recorded on this crucial issue.

1998 Ron Paul 29:4
But, unfortunately, the process only adds to the cynicism that many Americans hold for the U.S. Congress. Nearly a billion dollars were appropriated for the controversial back dues to the United Nations, which for many of us was not owed.

1998 Ron Paul 29:5
It was argued by many right-to-life advocates that the bill was worth passing because the antiabortion language was stronger than ever and would now be codified. Unfortunately, the antiabortion language was weaker than ever with a convenient, huge loophole for the President to continue funding countries and groups that perform and promote abortion, language now to be codified.

1998 Ron Paul 29:6
The events surrounding the passage of the foreign affairs conference report occurred yesterday should not make any of us proud.

1998 Ron Paul 29:7
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman’s time is expired.


1998 Ron Paul Chapter 29
Ron Paul urged opposition to this measure, see 1998 Ron Paul Chapter 28.

1998 Ron Paul 29:1
It is unclear from the C-Span audio if Ron Paul also asked for permission to revise and extend his remarks, because the Spreaker pro tempore interrupted and spoke over him.

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