1997 Ron Paul 101:3
Madam Speaker, I rise to point out to the House a piece of legislation that I am sure will be passed tonight or in the morning in the wee hours when a lot of people arent paying much attention. Thats the foreign operations appropriations conference report.
1997 Ron Paul 101:4
And Id like to point out that buried in this report is a $3.5 billion new program called the new agreements to borrow, further funding for the IMF. These are the funds that will be used to bail
out Third World nations and also bail out bankers and industries that have invested in these nations such as in Mexico or Indonesia.
1997 Ron Paul 101:5
This is considered not to be expensive because of our special accounting procedure here, its not on budget. Its supposed to be for free. But let me call your attention to this: new agreements to borrow, IMF, new funding in the foreign operations appropriations report. This is inflationary, its detrimental to the dollar, and its subsidized foreign interests as well as special banking and industrial interests here.
1997 Ron Paul 101:6
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentlemands time has expired.