The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentleman
from Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recognized
for 5 minutes.
2007 Ron Paul 59:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to discuss the irrationality of our current
foreign policy and the expected
concrete benefits of changing that policy.
2007 Ron Paul 59:2
First, we need to look at the inconsistent and counterproductive way we
currently treat other nations. We reward
and respect nations with nuclear
weapons. Look at how we treat Russia,
China, Pakistan, India and North
Korea. Our policies serve as an incentive
for rogue nations to achieve a nuclear
capability. Saddam Hussein was
so convinced of this that he pretended
he was on the verge of getting a nuclear
weapon. Iran is now doing the
same thing, yet our CIA assures us
they have quite a ways to go before
they have a nuclear capability.
2007 Ron Paul 59:3
Without our remaking the Middle East, Iran would have less incentive to
develop a weapon. And under the NPT,
Iran has a right to pursue peaceful use
of nuclear power.
2007 Ron Paul 59:4
The foolishness of our foreign policy has us spending money in Pakistan, a
military dictatorship with nuclear
weapons, which is harboring Osama Bin
Laden. The irony that taxpayers are
paying to help protect Osama Bin
Laden is astounding. For all the so-
called reasons we threaten Iran, the
same logic could apply to Pakistan
many fold and, for that matter, even to
Saudi Arabia, from where 15 of the 19
hijackers came.
2007 Ron Paul 59:5
A changed policy in the region would greatly diffuse the boiling conflict now
brewing with Iran. Just an announcement,
if they believed us, of a move toward
diplomacy and plans to move our
troops and Navy out of this region may
well lead to a sharp drop in oil prices.
2007 Ron Paul 59:6
But credibility is the key. If no one believes were sincere in altering our
foreign policy of militarism to that of
peaceful relationships with all who desire
it, it wont work.
2007 Ron Paul 59:7
Credibility would depend on us discontinuing building permanent bases in
Iraq. We dont need a single base in the
entire Middle East to protect U.S. security.
Having bases there only jeopardizes
our security.
2007 Ron Paul 59:8
The embassy were building in Iraq, the largest in the world, a virtual fortress,
nearly the size of the Vatican,
should be donated to some Iraqi organization
that might make good use of it.
A small office with a few personnel
would send a signal of our intent not to
rule the Middle East for decades to
2007 Ron Paul 59:9
The economic benefits of a foreign policy of nonintervention are extraordinary.
The wars that result from meddling
in the internal affairs of other
nations cause much greater economic
harm than most people imagine. The
cliche that war is a stimulus to economic
growth is blatantly false.
2007 Ron Paul 59:10
The billions of dollars saved just in the last decade if we werent in the
Middle East could have been spent here
at home improving the conditions of
all Americans, or would have prevented
our huge national and foreign debt
from exploding to historic records.
2007 Ron Paul 59:11
Inflation, though denied by our government as being a serious problem,
would be greatly reduced. We shouldnt
forget, the big inflation of prices from
our spendthrift ways for this war is yet
to come.
2007 Ron Paul 59:12
Without a war going on in the Middle East, we can rebuild our Armed Forces,
now run down from this prolonged war.
This would certainly help the National
Guard and our Reserves to rebuild and
2007 Ron Paul 59:13
Its estimated that 90 percent of our Army and National Guard is poorly
equipped. A new policy would return
our National Guard to the States to be
available when an emergency comes,
no longer leaving the States high and
dry because these troops are in Iraq.
2007 Ron Paul 59:14
Some of these dollars saved and personnel brought home could be redirected
toward border protection here in
this country. The border guards sent
off to Iraq to train Iraqis in border control
could return to their proper function
here in the United States.
2007 Ron Paul 59:15
The constant and growing dissent here in the United States over the war
would disappear. Though not as bad as
in the 1960s, its a growing problem
that cant be ignored.
2007 Ron Paul 59:16
The threat of terrorism would be greatly reduced, as the evidence is
overwhelming that our foreign policy
of intervention, occupation, bombing
and sanctions is the main incentive for
radical insurgents to commit suicide
2007 Ron Paul 59:17
Those who misled us into the war in Iraq continually claim that, yes, thats
true. Mistakes were made. But now the
reason we must stay is to clean up the
mess we created, while never admitting
that the mess gets worse and the costs
go up the longer we stay.
2007 Ron Paul 59:18
The time has come for a change. A message that our diplomatic doors are
open and the preemptive war option is
off the table would be a powerful message
of peace and hope, not only to the
Middle East but to the entire world.
2007 Ron Paul 59:19
The nay-saying warmongers who preach inevitable and long-lasting conflicts
must be marginalized. The time
for change is now.