The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr.
TIERNEY). Under a previous order of the
House, the gentleman from Texas (Mr.
PAUL) is recognized for 5 minutes.
2007 Ron Paul 21:1
Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, if the President were to ask me for advice on foreign
affairs, this is what I would say:
Dont do it, Mr. President. It is a bad
idea. There is no need for it. There is
great danger in doing it. America is
against it, and Congress should be. The
United Nations is against it. The Russians,
the Chinese, the Indians, the
Pakistanis are against it. The whole
world is against it. Our allies are
against it. Our enemies are against it.
The Arabs are against it. The Europeans
are against it. The Muslims are
against it.
2007 Ron Paul 21:2
We dont need to do this. The threat is overblown. The plan is a hysterical
reaction to a problem that does not yet
exist. Hysteria is never a good basis for
foreign policy. Dont we ever learn?
Have we already forgotten Iraq?
2007 Ron Paul 21:3
The plan defies common sense. If it is carried out, the Middle East and possibly
the world will explode. Oil will
soar to over $100 a barrel, and gasoline
will be over $5 a gallon.
2007 Ron Paul 21:4
Despite what some think, it wont serve the interests of Israel. Besides, it
is illegal. It is unconstitutional. And,
Mr. President, you have no moral authority
to do it.
2007 Ron Paul 21:5
We dont need it. We dont want it. So, Mr. President, dont do it. Dont
bomb Iran.
2007 Ron Paul 21:6
The moral of the story, Mr. Speaker, is this: If you dont have a nuclear
weapon, we will threaten to attack
you. If you do have a nuclear weapon,
we will leave you alone. In fact, we will
probably subsidize you. What makes us
think Iran does not understand this?
2007 Ron Paul 21:7
Mr. Speaker, I would like now to yield to my friend from North Carolina
(Mr. JONES).