25 April 2006
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms.
FOXX). Under the Speakers announced
policy of January 4, 2005, the gentleman
from Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recognized
for half the remaining time until
2006 Ron Paul 23:1
Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, the financial press and even the network
news shows have begun reporting the
price of gold regularly.
2006 Ron Paul 23:2
For 20 years, between 1980 and 2000, the price of gold was rarely mentioned.
There was little interest, and the price
was either falling or remaining steady.
Since 2001, however, interest in gold
has soared along with its price.
2006 Ron Paul 23:3
With the price now over $600 an ounce, a lot more people are becoming
interested in gold as an investment and
an economic indicator. Much can be
learned by understanding what the rising
dollar price of gold means.
2006 Ron Paul 23:4
The rise in gold prices, from $250 per ounce in 2001 to over $600 today has
drawn investors and speculators into
precious metals markets. Though
many already have made handsome
profits, buying gold, per se, should not
be touted as a good investment. After
all, gold earns no interest, and its quality
never changes. It is static and does
not grow as sound investments should.
2006 Ron Paul 23:5
It is more accurate to say that one might invest in a gold or silver mining
company, where management, labor
costs, and the nature of new discoveries
all play a vital role in determining
the quality of the investment
and the profits made.
2006 Ron Paul 23:6
Buying gold and holding it is somewhat analogous to converting ones
saving into $100 bills and hiding them
under the mattress, yet not exactly the
same. Both gold and dollars are considered
money, and holding money does
not qualify as an investment. There is
a big difference between the two, however,
since by holding paper money,
one loses purchasing power. The purchasing
power of commodity money,
that is gold, however, goes up if the
government devalues the circulating
paper currency.
2006 Ron Paul 23:7
Holding gold is protection or insurance against governments proclivity
to debase the currency. The purchasing
power of gold goes up not because it is
a so-called good investment. It goes up
in value only because the paper currency
goes down in value. In our current
situation, that means the dollar.
2006 Ron Paul 23:8
One of the characteristics of commodity money, one that originated
naturally in the marketplace, is that it
must serve as a store of value. Gold
and silver meet the test; paper does
not. Because of this profound difference,
the incentive and wisdom of
holding emergency funds in the form of
gold becomes attractive when the official
currency is being devalued. It is
more attractive than trying to save
wealth in the form of a fiat currency,
even when earning some nominal interest.
2006 Ron Paul 23:9
The lack of earned interest on gold is not a problem once people realize the
purchasing power of their currency is
declining faster than the interest rates
they might earn. The purchasing power
of gold can rise even faster than increases
in the cost of living.
2006 Ron Paul 23:10
The point is that most who buy gold do so to protect against the depreciating
currency, rather than as an investment
in the classical sense. Americans
understand this less than citizens
of other countries. Some nations have
suffered from severe monetary inflation
that literally led to the destruction
of their national currency.
2006 Ron Paul 23:11
Though our inflation, that is the depreciation of the U.S. dollar, has been
insidious, average Americans are unaware
of how this occurs. For instance,
few Americans know nor seem concerned
that the 1913 pre-Federal Reserve
dollar is now worth only 4 cents.
Officially, our central bankers and our
politicians express no fear that the
course on which we are set is fraught
with great danger to our economy and
to our political system.
2006 Ron Paul 23:12
The belief that money created out of thin air can work economic miracles if
only properly managed is pervasive in
the District of Columbia. In many
ways, we should not be surprised about
this trust in such an unsound system.
For at least four generations our government-
run universities have systematically
preached a monetary doctrine
justifying the so-called wisdom of
paper money over the foolishness of
sound money.
2006 Ron Paul 23:13
Not only that, paper money has worked surprisingly well in the past 35
years, the years the world has accepted
pure paper money as currency. Alan
Greenspan bragged that central bankers
in these decades have gained the
knowledge necessary to make paper
money respond as if it were gold.
2006 Ron Paul 23:14
This, they argue, removes the problem of obtaining gold to back the currency
and hence frees the politician
from the rigid discipline a gold standard
imposes. Many central bankers in
the last 15 years became so confident
they had achieved this milestone that
they sold off large hordes of their gold
reserves. At other times they tried to
prove that paper works better than
gold by artificially propping up the
dollar by suppressing the market price
of gold.
2006 Ron Paul 23:15
This recent deception failed just as it did in the 1960s when our government
tried to hold gold artificially low at $35
an ounce. But since they could not
truly repeal the economic laws regarding
money, just as many central bankers
sold, others bought. It is fascinating
that the European central
banks sold gold while the Asian central
banks bought it over the last several
2006 Ron Paul 23:16
Since gold has proven to be the real money of the ages, we see once again a
shift in wealth from the West to the
East, just as we saw a loss of our industrial
base in the same direction.
2006 Ron Paul 23:17
Though Treasury officials deny any U.S. sales or loans of our official gold
holdings, no audits are permitted, so
no one can be certain. The special nature
of the dollar as the reserve currency
of the world has allowed this
gain to last longer than it would have
2006 Ron Paul 23:18
But the fact that gold has gone from $250 an ounce to over $600 an ounce
means there is concern about the future
of the dollar. The higher the price
of gold the greater the concern for the
dollar. But instead of dwelling on the
dollar price of gold, we should be talking
about the depreciation of the dollar.
2006 Ron Paul 23:19
In 1934, a dollar was worth one-twentieth of an ounce of gold. $20 to buy one
ounce. Today a dollar is worth one-six-
hundredth of an ounce, meaning it
takes $600 to buy one once of gold.
2006 Ron Paul 23:20
The number of dollars created by the Federal Reserve and through the fractional
reserve banking system is crucial
in determining how the market assesses
the relationship of the dollar
and gold.
2006 Ron Paul 23:21
Though there is a strong correlation, it is not instantaneous or perfectly predictable.
There are many variables to
consider. But in the long term, the dollar
price of gold represents past inflation
of the money supply. Equally important,
it represents the anticipation
of how much new money will be created
in the future.
2006 Ron Paul 23:22
This introduces the factor of trust and confidence in our monetary authorities
and our politicians, and these
days the American people are casting a
vote of no confidence in this regard and
for good reasons.
2006 Ron Paul 23:23
The incentive for central bankers to create new money out of thin air is
two-fold. One is to practice central
planning through the manipulation of
interest rates. The second is to monetize
the escalated Federal debt politicians
create and thrive on.
2006 Ron Paul 23:24
Today, no one in Washington believes for a minute that runaway deficits are
going to be curtailed. In March alone,
the Federal Government created a historic
$85 billion deficit. The current
supplemental bill going through Congress
has grown from $92 billion to over
$106 billion, and everyone knows it will
not draw President Bushs first veto.
2006 Ron Paul 23:25
Most knowledgeable people therefore assume that inflation of the money
supply is not only going to continue,
but accelerate. This anticipation, plus
the fact that many new dollars have
been created over the past 15 years
that have not yet been fully discounted,
guarantees the future depreciation
of the dollar in terms of gold.
2006 Ron Paul 23:26
There is no single measurement that reveals what the Fed has done in the
recent past or tells us exactly what it
is about to do in the future. Forget
about the lip service given to transparency
by the new Fed Chairman
Bernanke. Not only is this administration
one of the most secretive across
the board in our history, the current
Fed firmly supports denying the most
important measurement of current
monetary policy to Congress, the financial
community and the American
2006 Ron Paul 23:27
Because of a lack of interest and poor understanding of monetary policy,
Congress has expressed essentially no
concern about the significant change in
reporting statistics on the money supply.
Beginning in March, though
planned before Bernanke arrived at the
Fed, the central bank discontinued
compiling and reporting monetary aggregates
known as M3. M3 is the best
description of how quickly the Fed is
creating new money and credit. Common
sense tells us that a government
central bank creating new money out
of thin air depreciates the value of
each dollar in circulation. Yet this
is no longer available to us, and
Congress makes no demands to receive
2006 Ron Paul 23:28
Though M3 is the most helpful statistic to track Fed activity, it by no
means tells us everything we need to
know about trends in monetary policy.
Total bank credit, still available to us,
gives us indirect information reflecting
the Feds inflationary policies. But ultimately
the markets will figure out
exactly what the Fed is up to, and then
individuals, financial institutions, governments
and other central bankers
will act accordingly.
2006 Ron Paul 23:29
The fact that our money supply is rising significantly cannot be hidden
from the markets. The response in
time will drive the dollar down while
driving interest rates and commodity
prices up.
2006 Ron Paul 23:30
Already we see this trend developing, which surely will accelerate in the not-
too-distant future. Part of this reaction
will be from those who seek a
haven to protect their wealth, not invest,
by treating gold and silver as universal
and historic money. This means
holding fewer dollars that are decreasing
in value while holding gold as it increases
in value.
2006 Ron Paul 23:31
A soaring gold price is a vote of no confidence in the central bank and the
dollar. This certainly was the case in
1979 and 1980. Today gold prices reflect
a growing restlessness with the increasing
money supply, our budgetary
and trade deficits, our unfunded liabilities,
and the inability of this Congress
and the administration to rein in runaway
2006 Ron Paul 23:32
Denying us statistical information, manipulating interest rates, and artificially
trying to keep gold prices in
check wont help in the long run. If the
markets are fooled only on the short
term, it only means the adjustments
will be much more dramatic later on,
and in the meantime other market imbalances
2006 Ron Paul 23:33
The Fed tries to keep the consumer spending spree going, not through hard
work and savings, but by creating artificial
wealth in stock market bubbles
and housing bubbles. When these distortions
run these courses and are discovered,
the corrections will be quite
painful as was witnessed with the collapse
of the NASDAQ bubble. Likewise
a fiat monetary system encourages
speculation and unsound borrowing.
2006 Ron Paul 23:34
As problems develop, scapegoats are sought and frequently found in foreign
nations. This prompts many to demand
altering exchange rates and protectionist
measures. The sentiment for
this type of solution is growing each
day. Though everyone decries inflation,
trade imbalances, economic downturns
and Federal deficits, few attempt a
closer study of our monetary system
and how these events are interconnected.
2006 Ron Paul 23:35
Even if it were recognized that a gold standard without monetary inflation
would be advantageous, few in Washington
would accept the political disadvantages
of living with the discipline
of gold since it serves as a check on
government size and power. This is a
sad commentary on the politics of
2006 Ron Paul 23:36
The best analogy to our affinity for government spending, borrowing and
inflating is that of a drug addict who
knows if he doesnt quit, he will die,
yet he cant quit because of the heavy
price required to overcome the dependency.
2006 Ron Paul 23:37
The right choice is very difficult, but remaining addicted to drugs guarantees
the death of the patient, while our
addiction to deficit spending, debt and
inflation guarantees the collapse of our
2006 Ron Paul 23:38
Special interest groups, who vigorously compete for Federal dollars,
want to perpetuate the system rather
than admit to a dangerous addiction.
Those who champion welfare for the
poor, entitlements for the middle class
or war contracts for the military industrial
complex all agree on the so-
called benefits bestowed by the Feds
power to counterfeit fiat money.
2006 Ron Paul 23:39
Bankers who benefit from our fractional reserve system likewise never
criticize the Fed, especially since it is
the lender of last resort that bails out
financial institutions when crises arise.
It is true, special interest and bankers
do benefit from the Fed and may well
get bailed out, just as we saw with the
long-term capital management fund
crisis a few years ago.
2006 Ron Paul 23:40
In the past, companies like Lockheed and Chrysler benefited as well. But
what the Fed cannot do is guarantee
the market will maintain trust in the
worthiness of the dollar. Current policy
guarantees that the integrity of the
dollar will be undermined. Exactly
when this will occur, and the extent of
the resulting damage to the financial
system, cannot be known for sure, but
it is coming. There are plenty of indications
already on the horizon.
2006 Ron Paul 23:41
Foreign policy plays a significant role in the economy and the value of
the dollar. A foreign policy of militarism
and empire building cannot be
supported through direct taxation. The
American people would never tolerate
the taxes required to pay immediately
for overseas wars under the discipline
of a gold standard. Borrowing and creating
new money is much more politically
palatable. It hides and delays the
real costs of the war. The people are
lulled into complacency, especially
since the wars we fight are couched in
terms of patriotism, spreading the
ideas of freedom and stamping out terrorism.
Unnecessary wars and fiat currencies
go hand in hand, while a gold
standard encourages a sensible foreign
2006 Ron Paul 23:42
The cost of war is enormously detrimental. It significantly contributes to
the economic instability of the Nation
by boosting spending, deficits and inflation.
Funds used for war are funds
that could have remained in the productive
economy to raise the standard
of living of Americans now unemployed,
underemployed or barely living
on the margin.
2006 Ron Paul 23:43
Yet even these costs may be preferable to paying for war with huge tax
increases. This is because although fiat
dollars are theoretically worthless,
value is imbued by the trust placed in
them by the worlds financial community.
Subjective trust in a currency
can override objective knowledge about
government policies, but only for a
limited time.
2006 Ron Paul 23:44
Economic strength and military power contributes to the trust in a currency.
In todays world trust in the
U.S. dollar is not earned, and, therefore,
fragile. The history of the dollar,
being as good as gold up until 1971, is
helpful in maintaining an artificially
higher value for the dollar than deserved.
2006 Ron Paul 23:45
Foreign policy contributes to the crisis when the spending to maintain our
worldwide military commitments become
prohibitive, and inflationary
pressures accelerate. But the real crisis
hits when the world realizes the king
has no clothes in that the dollar has no
backing, and we face a military setback
even greater than we already are
experiencing in Iraq. Our token friends
may quickly transform into vocal enemies
once the attack on the dollar begins.
2006 Ron Paul 23:46
False trust placed in the dollar once was helpful to us, but panic and rejection
of the dollar will develop into a
real financial crisis. Then we will have
no other option but to tighten our
belts, go back to work, stop borrowing,
start saving, and rebuild our industrial
base while adjusting to a lower standard
of living for most Americans. Counterfeiting
the Nations money is a serious
2006 Ron Paul 23:47
The Founders were especially adamant about avoiding the chaos, inflation
and destruction associated with
the continental dollar. That is why the
Constitution is clear that only gold
and silver should be legal tender in the
United States. In 1792, the Coinage Act
also authorized the death penalty for
any private citizen who counterfeited
the currency. Too bad they werent explicit
that counterfeiting by government
officials is just as detrimental to
the economy and the value of the dollar.
2006 Ron Paul 23:48
In wartime many nations actually operated counterfeiting programs to
undermine the dollar, but never to a
disastrous level. The enemy knew how
harmful excessive creation of new
money could be to the dollar and our
economy. But it seems we never
learned the dangers of creating new
money out of thin air. We dont need
an Arab nation or the Chinese to undermine
our system with a counterfeiting
operation. We do it to ourselves
with the all the disadvantages that
would occur if others did it to us.
2006 Ron Paul 23:49
Today we hear threats from some Arab, Muslim and some Far Eastern
countries about undermining the dollar
system not by dishonest counterfeiting,
but by initiating an alternative
monetary system based on gold.
Wouldnt that be ironic? Such an event
theoretically could do great harm to
us. This day may well come not so
much as a direct political attack on
the dollar system, but out of necessity
to restore confidence in money once
2006 Ron Paul 23:50
Historically paper money never has lasted for long periods of time, while
gold has survived thousands of years of
attacks by political interests and big
government. In time the world once
again will restore trust in the monetary
system by making some currency
as good as gold.
2006 Ron Paul 23:51
Gold or any acceptable market commodity money is required to preserve
liberty. Monopoly control by government
of a system that creates fiat
money out of thin air guarantees the
loss of liberty. No matter how well intended
our militarism is portrayed or
how happily the promises of wonderful
programs for the poor are promoted,
inflating the money supply to pay
these bills makes government bigger.
2006 Ron Paul 23:52
Empires always fail, and expenses always exceed projections. Harmful unintended
consequences are the rule, not
the exception. Welfare for the poor is
inefficient and wasteful. The beneficiaries
are rarely the poor themselves,
but, instead, the politicians, the
bureaucrats or the wealthy. The same
is true of all foreign aid. It is nothing
more than a program that steals from
the poor in a rich country and gives to
the rich leaders of a poorer country.
2006 Ron Paul 23:53
Whether it is war or welfare payments, it always means higher taxes,
inflation and debt. Whether it is the
extraction of wealth from the productive
economy, the distortion of the
market by interest rate manipulation
or spending for war and welfare, it
cant happen without infringing upon
personal liberty.
2006 Ron Paul 23:54
At home the war on poverty, terrorism, drugs or foreign rulers provide
an opportunity for authoritarians to
rise to power, individuals who think
nothing of violating the peoples rights
to privacy and freedom of speech. They
believe their role is to protect the secrecy
of government rather than protect
the privacy of citizens.
2006 Ron Paul 23:55
Unfortunately, that is the atmosphere under which we live today with
essentially no respect for the Bill of
Rights. Though great economic harm
comes from a government monopoly,
fiat monetary system, the loss of liberty
associated with it is equally troubling.
2006 Ron Paul 23:56
Just as empires are self-limiting in terms of money and manpower, so, too,
is a monetary system based on illusion
and fraud.
2006 Ron Paul 23:57
When the end comes, we will be given an opportunity to choose once again
between honest money and liberty on
one hand, chaos, poverty and
authoritarianism on the other. The
economic harm done by a fiat monetary
system is pervasive, dangerous
and unfair.
2006 Ron Paul 23:58
Though runaway inflation is injurious to almost everyone, it is more insidious
for certain groups. Once inflation
is recognized as a tax, it becomes
clear that tax is regressive in nature,
penalizing the poor and the middle
class more than the rich and the politically
privileged. Price inflation, a consequence
of inflating the money supply
by the central bank, hits poor and marginal
workers first and foremost. It especially
penalizes savers, retirees,
those on fixed incomes, and anyone
who trusts government promises.
2006 Ron Paul 23:59
Small businesses and individual enterprises suffer more than the financial
elite, who borrow large sums before the
money loses value. Those who are on
the receiving end of government contracts,
especially in the military industrial
complex during wartime, receive
undeserved benefits.
2006 Ron Paul 23:60
It is a mistake to blame high gasoline and oil prices on price gouging. If
we impose new taxes or fix prices while
ignoring monetary inflation, corporate
subsidies and excessive regulations,
shortages will result. The market is
the only way to determine the best
price for any commodity. The law of
supply and demand cannot be repealed.
The real problems arise when government
planners give subsidies to energy
companies and favor one form of energy
over another.
2006 Ron Paul 23:61
Energy prices are rising for many reasons: inflation, increased demand
from China and India, decreased supply
resulting from our invasion into Iraq,
anticipated disruption of supplies as we
push regime change in Iran, regulatory
restrictions on gasoline production,
government interference in the free
market development of alternative
fuels, and subsidies to Big Oil, such as
free leases and grants for research and
2006 Ron Paul 23:62
Interestingly, the cost of oil and gas is actually much higher than we pay at
the retail level. Much of the DOD budget
is spent protecting our oil supplies;
and if such spending is factored
in, gasoline probably costs us more
than $5 a gallon. The sad irony is that
the military efforts to secure cheap oil
supplies inevitably backfire and actually
curtail supplies and boost prices at
the pump. The waste and fraud in
issuing contracts to large corporations
for work in Iraq only adds to price increases.
2006 Ron Paul 23:63
When problems arise under conditions that exist today, it is a serious
error to blame the little bit of the free
market that still functions. Last summer,
the market worked efficiently
after Katrina. Gasoline hit $3 a gallon,
but soon supplies increased, usage went
down, and the price returned to $2. In
the 1980s, market forces took oil from
$40 a barrel down to $10 a barrel, and no
one cried for the oil companies that
went bankrupt. Todays increases are
for the reasons mentioned above. It is
natural for labor to seek its highest
wage and businesses to strive for the
greatest profits. That is the way the
market works. When the free market is
allowed to work, it is the consumer
who ultimately determines price and
quality, with labor and businesses accommodating
consumer choices. Once
this process is distorted by government,
prices rise excessively, labor
costs and profits are negatively affected,
and problems emerge.
2006 Ron Paul 23:64
Instead of fixing the problem, politicians and demagogues respond by demanding
windfall profits taxes and
price controls, while never questioning
how previous government interference
caused the whole mess in the first
place. Never let it be said that high oil
prices and profits cause inflation. Inflation
of the money supply causes
higher prices.
2006 Ron Paul 23:65
Since keeping interest rates below market levels is synonymous with new
money creation by the Fed, the resulting
business cycle, higher cost of living
and job losses all can be laid at the
doorstep of the Fed. This burden hits
the poor the most, making Fed taxation
by inflation the worst of all regressive
taxes. Statistics about revenues
generated by the income tax are
grossly misleading. In reality, much
harm is done by our welfare-warfare
system supposedly designed to help the
poor and tax the rich. Only sound
money can rectify the blatant injustice
of this destructive system.
2006 Ron Paul 23:66
The Founders understood this great danger and voted overwhelmingly to
reject emitting bills of credit, the
term they used for paper money or fiat
currency. It is too bad the knowledge
and advice of our Founders and their
mandate in the Constitution are ignored,
and it is ignored at great peril.
The current surge in gold prices, which
reflects our dollars devaluation, is
warning us to pay closer attention to
our fiscal, monetary, entitlement, and
foreign policy.
2006 Ron Paul 23:67
A recent headline in the financial press announced that gold prices
surged over concern that confrontation
with Iran will further push oil prices
higher. This may well reflect the current
situation, but higher gold prices
mainly reflect monetary expansion by
the Federal Reserve. Dwelling on current
events and their effect on gold
prices reflects concern for symptoms
rather than an understanding of the actual
cause of these price increases.
Without an enormous increase in the
money supply over the past 35 years
and a worldwide paper monetary system,
this increase in the price of gold
would not have occurred.
2006 Ron Paul 23:68
Certainly geopolitical events in the Middle East under a gold standard
would not alter its price, though they
could affect the supply of oil and cause
oil prices to rise. Only under conditions
created by excessive paper money
would one expect all or most prices to
rise. This is a mere reflection of the devaluation
of the dollar.
2006 Ron Paul 23:69
Here are a few particular things that we should remember: if one endorses
small government and maximum liberty,
one must support commodity
2006 Ron Paul 23:70
One of the strongest restraints against unnecessary war is a gold
2006 Ron Paul 23:71
Deficit financing by government is severely restricted by sound money.
2006 Ron Paul 23:72
The harmful effects of the business cycle are virtually eliminated with an
honest gold standard.
2006 Ron Paul 23:73
Saving and thrift are encouraged by gold standard and discouraged by paper
2006 Ron Paul 23:74
Price inflation, with generally rising price levels, is characteristic of paper
money. Reports that the Consumer
Price Index and the Producer Price
Index are rising are distractions. The
real cause of inflation is the Feds creation
of new money.
2006 Ron Paul 23:75
Interest rate manipulation by central banks helps the rich, the banks, the
government, and the politicians.
2006 Ron Paul 23:76
Paper money permits the regressive inflation tax to be passed off on the
poor and the middle class.
2006 Ron Paul 23:77
Speculative financial bubbles are characteristic of paper money, not
2006 Ron Paul 23:78
Paper money encourages economic and political chaos, which subsequently
causes a search for scapegoats
rather than blaming the central bank.
2006 Ron Paul 23:79
Dangerous protectionist measures frequently are implemented to compensate
for the dislocations caused by
paper money.
2006 Ron Paul 23:80
Paper money, inflation, and the conditions they create contribute to the
problems of illegal immigration.
2006 Ron Paul 23:83
Holding gold helps preserve and store wealth; but technically, gold is not a
true investment.
2006 Ron Paul 23:84
Since 2001, the dollar has been devalued by over 60 percent. In 1934, FDR
devalued the dollar by 41 percent. In
1971, Nixon devalued the dollar by 7.9
percent. In 1973, Nixon devalued the
dollar by 10 percent.
2006 Ron Paul 23:85
These were momentous monetary events, and every knowledgeable person
worldwide paid close attention.
Major changes were endured in 1979 and
1980 to save the dollar from disintegration.
This involved a severe recession,
interest rates over 21 percent, and general
price inflation of 15 percent.
2006 Ron Paul 23:86
Today, we face a 60 percent devaluation and counting, yet no one seems
to care. It is of greater significance
than the three events mentioned above,
and yet the one measurement that best
reflects the degree of inflation, the Fed
and our government denies us. Since
March, M3 reporting has been discontinued.
For starters, I would like to see
Congress demand that this report be
resumed. I fully believe the American
people and Congress are entitled to this
2006 Ron Paul 23:87
Will we one day complain about false intelligence, as we have with the Iraq
war? Will we complain about not having
enough information to address
monetary policy after it is too late?
2006 Ron Paul 23:88
If ever there was a time to get a handle on what sound money is and what it
means, that time is today. Inflation, as
exposed by high gold prices, transfers
wealth from the middle class to the
rich, as real wages decline while the
salaries of CEOs, movie stars, and athletes
skyrocket, along with the profits
of the military industrial complex, the
oil industry, and other special interests.
2006 Ron Paul 23:89
A sharply rising gold price is a vote of no confidence in the Congress ability
to control the budget, the Feds
ability to control the money supply,
and the administrations ability to
bring stability to the Middle East.
2006 Ron Paul 23:90
Ultimately, the gold price is a measurement of trust in the currency and
the politicians who run the country. It
has been that way for a long time, and
it is not about to change.
2006 Ron Paul 23:91
If we care about the financial system, the tax system, and the monumental
debt we are accumulating, we must
start talking about the benefits and
discipline that come only with a commodity
standard of money: money the
government and central banks absolutely
cannot create out of thin air.
2006 Ron Paul 23:92
Economic law dictates reform at some point, but should we wait until
the dollar is 1/1000 of an ounce of gold or
1/2000 of an ounce of gold? The longer we
wait, the more people will suffer and
the more difficult reforms become.
Runaway inflation inevitably leads to
political chaos, something numerous
countries have suffered throughout the
20th century. The worst example, of
course, was the German inflation of the
1920s that led to the rise of Hitler.
2006 Ron Paul 23:93
Even the Communist takeover of China was associated with runaway inflation
brought on by the Chinese nationalists.
2006 Ron Paul 23:94
The time for action is now, and it is up to the American people and the U.S.
Congress to demand it.